Chapter 0634
‘Well, I don’t, Serenity. My life changed completely when found out I was going to be a father. One day I was a broke kid, and the next, I was managing absurd sums of money, getting paid, and changing diapers.
“Sorry…” Serenity murmured, her tone softening.
“Sorry… what?” Alden asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. It sounded so insensitive…”
“Well, yeah, it kind of hurt my feelings. A lot, actually.‘
“Really?” Serenity said, genuinely concerned.
“No! I’m kidding. You should’ve seen your face,” Alden replied, chuckling.
“Alden! Don’t joke about that.”
“You did the same thing to me earlier, and I didn’t say anything‘
“It’s not the same! Not the same at all.”
“Of course, it is. Anyway, since you’re so curious, what else do you want to know about me?”
“I was just making conversation! I wasn’t prying into your life…”
“Sure. ”
“Let’s order. I’m starving, and people are starting to give us weird looks.”
“Agreed. What are you having?”
Serenity signaled the waitress, and they placed their orders. While waiting, their conversation shifted to lighter topics. Time slipped away as they chatted, and before they knew it, it was 6:00 p.m. The meal had turned into dinner, and after a few beers, the atmosphere between them had grown noticeably more relaxed. By 6:30 p.m., Alden decided it was time to take Serenity home.
“Thanks, Serenity,” Alden said as they got into the car. “It’s been a long time since I had such a great afternoon.”
“We should do this more often… I like you, Alden. I mean… enjoy your company,” she added quickly, laughing nervously. “Maybe it’s the beer talking.”
“I think we should wait a bit before heading to your house, Alden replied. “If we show up like this, Maximus will exile me from the Palmer mansion.”
“Maximus’s not here. He went to see your father… Did you know he’s not my father? And we’re not cousins?”
“I know. Did Maximus tell you?”
“No, but I overheard him talking to Matthew. At first, it was accidental, but then I stayed to listen. So, yeah, your and I aren’t cousins.”
“My dad told me, not long ago.”
“That bastard Leonardo kidnapped me for nothing… If he wanted a hostage, he should’ve taken you!”
“Not sure I’d make an easy target… Want some water?” Alden handed her a bottle from the car’s console.
“I’ve never had so much beer. I think I got carried away in the conversation and didn’t realize how much I drank.”
Chapter 0634
“Don’t worry. Nothing bad will happen while you’re with me. Just drink the water–it’ll help.”
Alden drove to a lookout point his father had shown him years ago. Serenity sipped her water in silence while Alden reclined his seat slightly and closed his eyes.
“Alden? Alden?”
“Mmm?” he murmured.
“Don’t fall asleep. I want to talk.”
“I wasn’t sleeping. Just resting my eyes while you sober up. It’s 7:00 p.m.”
“What do you think about our family?”
“Think? Not much. I just see a lot of bad decisions–your mom, my dad, and Maximus included. When they were younger, they thought they were mature, but they weren’t That’s how I felt when I was 18. But when you have a child and a wife to care for, your perspective changes. You’re the head of the family, and you can’t fail. I think that’s what happened with your mom and Maximus.”
“And your father?”
“He didn’t know about me–or didn’t find me–until I was 8. Even so, he’s strict. But he has his moments, like now,”
Alden glanced over and smiled. “You look better. Ready to go home?”
“Yeah, it was just a bit of dizziness. I don’t usually drink beer, but today was fun. We should do it again sometime.”
“Sure. But next time, I’m monitoring your beer intake–or’ll just order juice for you.”
“Your parents will kill me if they find out about tonight.”
“You’re overreacting.”
“Let’s get you home.”
After a short drive, Alden pulled into the Palmer mansion. He parked and turned to Serenity before she could open the door. Taking her hand, he kissed it gently.
“Thank you for tonight. I had a great time. You reminded me of when I was younger.”
“You are young.”
You know what I mean.”
“When you didn’t have so many responsibilities?”
“Exactly. Enjoy this time, Serenity. Right now, you have the world at your feet. You don’t owe anyone any explanations.”
“I am enjoying it. I didn’t get to share much about myself tonight, but here.” She handed him a business card. This is my ‘SeBaTer‘ card–I’m a photographer. My work’s on there. Take a look, and you’ll learn a lot about me.”
Chapter 0634
“I promise I’ll check it out when I have a moment.”
“Okay. Coming in?”
“Hold on. Let me open the door for you. How are you feelin
“I’m fine now. It was just a little dizziness earlier, but I’m
“I’ll walk you to the door.”
“Thank you!” Serenity said with a smile.
Chapter 0634
“I promise I’ll check it out when I have a moment.”
“Okay. Coming in?”
“Hold on. Let me open the door for you. How are you feeling?”
“I’m fine now. It was just a little dizziness carlier, but I’m food.”
“I’ll walk you to the door.”
“Thank you!” Serenity said with a smile.