Chapter 0661
“Valerie’s not mentally well. She hasn’t been, it’s been too many strong emotions. This damn country has only brought bad things to them. What do you know about Marcus?”
“The lawyers are looking for a loophole to file for a writ of amparo.”
“Frederick, is the accusation for which they detained him true?”
“Camille, that’s a sensitive topic I can’t discuss right now. Please help me take care of Valerie. The whole floor is secure, but please, I need you to keep an eye on her.”
‘Alright, Frederick! Don’t worry… Who’s taking care of John?”
“Serenity is looking after him…”
Frederick didn’t want to mention anything about what was happening to avoid spilling it in front of Valerie and complicating her health further.
[Redspire Residence]
They arrived safely to the Maldives,” Peter said once he read the email Alden had sent to him.
“At least they’re safe…” Maximus said calmly.
“Maximus, believe me, I didn’t expect this. That damn Leonardo is scum. I never would’ve imagined he would come up with something like that about our… about Serenity.”
“You still haven’t gotten used to it, have you?”
“To what?”
“To thinking she’s not your daughter…”
“Maximus! I know that was a terrible idea, I was an idiot…”
“You still are. Look at what we’re involved in… Why did you send Alden with them?”
“Alden is the only one who would know what to do if anything goes wrong… What’s wrong with me sending him?”
“Haven’t you realized?”
“Realized what?”
“There’s something between Serenity and Alden. I’ve noticed the way your son looks at her. Serenity is not indifferent to him, and the worst part is, she seems to like him back.”
That can’t be…!”
That’s exactly what I think.”
“We’ll have time to sort that out later. Right now, we have something more important to focus on,” Peter said, changing the subject.
He didn’t want to think about the possibility of his son being attracted to the girl he’d always seen as his daughter.
[Meanwhile at Palmer Group]
Chapter 0661
Leonardo arrived as the master of the company, feeling glorious as though he were walking through the gates of Valhalla. The company was now entirely his. He walked with his head held high towards the CEO’s office. All the employees watched him with respect. It had been a long time since this man had felt this way; he really missed the days when he was the CEO of that great company.
Once in his office, Greta, his assistant, entered and stood at attention.
“Greta, bring me coffee. I want it black and without sugar. Then I want you to let me know as soon as Frank Levett Jr. arrives. Also, pass me the financial report for the whole semester.”
The man had arrived with the full intention of lifting the company and enjoying the power of being one of the most talked–about men, with his last name and company being of great significance.
[Police station in Westhaven)
“Frederick, how’s Valerie? Has she asked you anything?” Marcus asked.
“Marcus, she had to be admitted due to a nervous breakdown. Camille is taking care of her. I visited her today, and she told me the twins are going to have to be born in two weeks.”
“What? Why?!” Marcus said with great concern.
“Valerie is very unstable and has received several shocks. That could harm the babies. They’re going to schedule an emergency C–section. They’re just waiting for her to reach seven months.”
“Is the procedure safe?”
“And the babies?”
“Camille says it’s better for them to be born at seven months than eight, and it’s also important to start treating Valerie’s issues. Camille confessed to me that Valerie, many years ago, was admitted to a psychological rehabilitation clinic. Did you know that?”
“Yes… She told me…”
“Well, I think that’s happening again, so there’s no choice. We need to admit her, but the babies need to be born first.”
“Frederick, I need you to move heaven and earth to get her out of this damn place. Do whatever you have to do to get her out. If Frank wants all my money, I assume that’s what he wants, give it to him.”
“I don’t care! I need to be with Valerie. She needs me!”
“I’ll do whatever you ask, just stay calm, please…”
“I can’t stay calm when my wife is in bad shape! Everything’s gone to hell! We never should’ve returned to this damn country!“.
Chapter 0662