Chapter 0717
Chapter 0717
Valerie walked through the hospital corridors during her break, listening to music and feeling at ease. She found a bench and sat down, letting herself drift into her memories for a while.
That moment of reflection led her to think about her life. Since turning eighteen and falling in love for the first time, she’d been caught up in one unfortunate situation after another. Before that, if she remembered correctly, she’d never had a boyfriend. Sure, like any teenager, she’d had crushes, but never a real relationship.
It felt like she couldn’t be alone. The only time she truly had been was when Peter had supposedly died. In those days, she’d desperately needed someone, anyone–man or woman–to offer advice and support. But even then, she’d been on her own, and things hadn’t gone so badly.
Granted, Marcus’s arrival in her life had been a lifesaver, but before that, she hadn’t done too poorly. Camille had been there for her since Serenity was just six months old.
Falling in love with Marcus had never been part of her plan. Him becoming her husband and Serenity’s father had been one of the best things to ever happen to her. Yet this new side of Marcus–where his jealousy overwhelmed him–was troubling. If she needed psychiatric help, then so did he.
She was clear on one thing now: they had come a long way together. She had her secrets, and so did he. That wasn’t surprising; everyone has things they’re not proud of or too embarrassed to talk about. But how far could those secrets go before it became unbearable?
Valerie thought hard about her next steps with Marcus. One thing that scared b
was his temper. Every time jealousy flared up, it made her uneasy. The other thing was his past. How far could Marcus go? Would he be capable of killing someone? The Marcus she knew wouldn’t. In the business world, he was ruthless with competitors, but that was very different from being a murderer.
“Oh, Valerie, it’s been so many years, and now you don’t know what to do. You have to think about what’s best for you and your little ones. The world doesn’t end–it ended once already, and here we are,” she muttered to herself.
Lost in her thoughts, she had no idea that fate was about to deal her another cruel hand.
Maximus and Peter were arriving at the psychiatric hospital run by Dr. Hill. Peter still doubted whether this was the right decision, especially knowing who was there. But he kept reassuring himself that as long as they didn’t cross paths, everything would be fine.
“What’s wrong, Peter? Don’t tell me you’re thinking of running away,” Maximus teased.
“No, Maximus. Once I make a decision, I stick to it. You know that.‘
“Good to hear, brother. And don’t worry about Mary. From what I’ve heard, she should be getting discharged soon. Dr. Hill told me the first phase of treatment takes about six months, and I’ve seen a lot of progress in her. I know your case is different, but I’m confident this will at least delay the side effects until you decide to go ahead with the surgery. Though you and I both know that’s not really an option.”
“Maximus, stop pressuring me. I’ve agreed to the therapy. That’s as far as I can go for now.”
“You don’t have to be afraid, Peter. I wasn’t there for you before, but now I’m not leaving your side.”
“Just don’t smother me, okay? You know I’m not big on all this family bonding stuff.”
“Really? That’s not what you used to say to your lovers.”
“They were different.”
Chapter 0717
“You’re an idiot, Maximus. But you’re my idiot.”
“You sound so childish, Maximus! Aren’t you supposed to
Chapter 071
an idiot, Maximus. But you’re my idiot.”
“You sound childish, Maximus!
Aren’t you
the older supposed to be
one here?”