Chapter 0719
As things gradually fell into place, Alden and Serenity began living like a real couple in the Maldives. Everyone around them was slowly getting used to seeing them together.
Although their relationship was already known, it still felt a little strange to some–especially now that it was clear Serenity was expecting a baby.
Emma watched Serenity and couldn’t help but wonder how Mary would react. She was there to look after her, but once they returned home, she wasn’t sure what explanations she’d be able to give. Still, it was hard to blame them; the young couple was genuinely in love.
Little Ethan, however, was still acting a bit uncertain about the situation. He wasn’t rude or anything, but at times he seemed unsure how to behave around Serenity. Seeing this, Serenity decided to have a talk with him one day while Emma, Alden, and Laura were at the doctor’s office for Adele’s checkup.
“Ethan, can we talk?” Serenity said gently.
The boy jumped at her words, worried he might be in trouble. “What did I do? No! I didn’t do anything!”
“You didn’t do anything wrong. I just want to talk to you. Can we?”
“Uh… okay, I guess.”
“Come on. Let’s sit on the beach.”
Serenity took Ethan’s hand, and they walked to the shore before sitting down in the sand.
“Ethan, I’ve noticed you don’t really want to talk to me. I know you’re not entirely comfortable with what’s happening, and I want you to know there’s nothing to be afraid of. Your dad loves you, and your mom loves you too. I’m not here to replace anyone. I love your dad very much, and because you’re his son, I love you too.”
“You love me?”
“Yes! You’re an important part of the man I love. How could I not love you?”
“Mmm… my mom will be sad.”
“I know I’m not the best person to talk about that. Your parents are in different places for their own reasons. That doesn’t mean they don’t care about each other, but their love is different from the love I have for your dad. You are proof of the love they once shared.”
“I wish they’d get back together.”
“If that’s what they want, I wouldn’t stand in their way. My mom also married someone who wasn’t my dad.”
“Did it hurt?”
“It hurt to find out the man I thought was my dad wasn’t actually my real dad.“,
“What do you mean?”
“All my life, I loved the man my mom married as my father. I thought my real dad was dead. Then, it turned out he wasn’t. When I met my real dad, it hurt a lot because I already loved the man I grew up with. But I learned to love them both.”
What did you do?”
“The only thing I could do–love them both. Life is complicated, Ethan. When you’re older, you’ll understand. You’ll see that your dad wants a family and that one day, you’ll have your own beautiful family too. When that
Chapter 0719
happens, you’ll be happy to see that your parents have found happiness for themselves.”
“I can be with your dad now without worrying about my mom or my other dad. They’re together and take care of each other. They’re not alone.”
“My dad was always alone at home,” Ethan said quietly. “He just worked all the time. Sometimes, he’d take me to the movies, and we’d eat tons of candy without Grandpa knowing.”
“That doesn’t have to change! You and your dad can still do those things.”
“Of course! Those are your special moments with him. Nothing has to change about that.”
“Mmm… will you take care of my dad when I grow up?”
“Of course! I’ll take care of him until we’re old and using canes.”
“Mmm… what if it turns out like with my mom?”
“Well, we can’t know the future. But I hope it doesn’t happen. I love your dad very much, and I’d miss him so much if it did.”
“You’re not so bad. I was just scared my dad would forget about me.”
“Your dad would never do that. And neither would I.”
Serenity pulled Ethan into a hug, and he hugged her back.
“I hope it’s a girl!” he said suddenly.
“The baby.”
“Well, that’s not up to us, but let’s hope so!” Serenity replied, crossing her fingers.