SHADOW Novel 114

SHADOW Novel 114

Chapter 107 

Chapter 107 

He quickly runs through the events that had taken place and I’m left staring at him like an idiot

What the fu” 

I’m cut off, yet again, by a knock on the door

Adonis all but runs over, flinging it open and grinning down at the girl who stares up at him like a deer caught in headlights.. 

Hey, Loca.” 

Winnie grins up at him before stepping forward and hugging him, pecking his cheek quickly. Happy legal day. Hot 

Braeden and I share a look

I give it a month.He states lowly

Twenty bucks says two weeks.I challenge quietly

He grins before shaking my hand. You’re on, bitch.” 


You wanna open your present now?I lean over and whisper to Adonis as Flynn and Braeden play Mario Kart. It had been about four hours since I’d gotten to the West household, and if I’m being very honest, I don’t think I’ve had this much fun in 


He looks at me with a grin. You bought me a present?” 

I stare at him blankly. What did you think the wrapped box was? Drugs?” 

This is you we’re talking about.He gives me a pointed look. I wouldn’t be surprised if it were drugs.” 

Shut the fuck up.I snort and roll my eyes, standing up. Let’s go.” 

He hauls himself off the couch before dragging me to his room. I look around. Plain, white walls, a desk in the corner of the room with a couple textbooks and pens strewn across it. A bedside table with a lamp, and a framed picture on it. Navy blue 


I snicker


You, and every other guy in the world, have those sheets.I nod over to his bed

Do not!” 

I raise an eyebrow

You and Flynn literally have the same sheets.I state before

He groans, falling face first on his bed

rill grows on my face. You guys match! How cute!” 

Chapter 107 

Shut up!His words are muffled due to his face being buried in his duvet cover

I chuckle, walking around the room, my eyes stopping on the small table in another corner of the room. You have a record player?!” 

I carefully run my hand over the okl, smooth wood

It was my mom’s.His face is still in the sheets. She got it from her mom my abuelita.” 

I look over at him, still lying face down. I can’t help the small smile on my lips as I walk away from the record player and over to him, the present in my hands

Alright, you little drama queen, get up.I grab the back of his tshirt, pulling him up. He lazily sits up and I jump onto the mattress in front of him, sitting cross legged. I thrust the box in front of his face. Here.” 

He carefully takes it from me, placing it down between us and tearing the wrapping paper off. He then opens the box before peering inside, and his eyes bulge open and he pulls the object out of the box, holding it up in the air

A condom?!” 

I grin at him. I’m preaching safe sex!” 

He purses his lips but a laugh slips out anyway. You could’ve at least gone for a full box.” 

Why? Who are you having sex with?” 

No one unless it’s you.” 

you.His eyes widen right after the words slip out of his mouth

I stare at him my mouth agape

Adonis would never hurt you. You can’t be afraid of relationships your whole life.” 

I shake my head after a moment, moving slightly closer to him. Adonis?” 

“Yeah?He answers quietly


Would you two hurry the fuck up! I want some cake!Flynn’s voice echoes through the hall followed by a smack

Dude!Braeden’s voice scolds, sounding suspiciously knowing

Oh shit.” 

Yeah, oh shit. Fucking dumbass-” 

And then another smack, and Flynn’s yelp

I clear my throat slightly, moving back again. I swing my upper body off the bed, reaching down and feeling around under his bed, my heart pounding in my rib cage and my face slightly warm

Why the fuck does this keep happening to me

Kid, what the hell are you doing?” 

Nothing, kid.I bite back. You’re three months older than me. Shut the fuck up.” 

Chapter 107 

I finally find the bag and heave myself up back onto the bed fully. I push the give gift bag over to him with a nervous smile. I had Braeden bring this over and hide it under your bed when he got off work yesterday. I hope you like it,” 

He eyes the bag suspiciously before looking back at me. It’s not a viberator, is it?” 

I choke out a laugh. No, assclownt Open it.” 


Okay, Okay.He pulls the purple tissue out of the bag and peers inside, yet again. He carefully pulls the box out, popping the hd off. This time. his eyes soften. A Polaroid?” 

I smile slightly. Yeah, a Polaroid.” 

He opens the box, gently cradling the black, refurbished Polaroid 600 instant camera in his hands and his eyes widen slightly and he looks back up at me. The original one?!” 

I chuckle softly as I pick at a loose thread on my sleeve, nervous for some reason. Yeah, the original one. I had to go to like five different thrift stores to find it, then I had to find the right film, and it is safe to say a bitch is broke now,” 



Status: Ongoing


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