Chapter 109
Of fucking course she ill.
I decide not to comment on it, instead thinking back to the wedding photos again. “She looked beautiful”
My mother truly was the most beautiful person I’d even seen.
Megan lets out a laugh. “Yeah, didn’t she know it! She took one look at herself in the mirror after we finished getting her ready, and went, amn. I look hot. She wasn’t wrong, though. She did look hot.”
1laugh loudly. “She had a tiara and everything she looked like a queent”
“She did. She really did.” Megan agrees. We sit in silence for a while before she speaks up again, her nails tapping rhythmically on her thigh. “Knowing your father, he has that yellow dress hung up in the back of his closet somewhere.”
“You think so?”
She nods. “You should ask him.”
I chew on my lip before shrugging as Kamri and Octavia come back with more clothes. “I think I will.”
My phone dings and I pull it out, seeing a message from my dad.
Speak of the devil-
Pebble according to mum
Bring me the aluminium baseball
hat at work. Some of these
dickhead officers are
going to get it today.
received 1:37
Correction; I’ll ask him about it in a couple weeks, when he’s not ready to take out someone’s kneecaps.
I snort before texting him back. I just know he’s about to fire some people today.
ask braeden
im sure he has
one in hi
his car to
beat doni with
sent 1:39
Pebble according to mum
Goodbye, problem
received 1:4
goodbye, person
who raised the
problem child.
Seen 1:14
I really got left on seen by an old man.
“-apparently my mum has a yellow dress she was meant to wear for her wedding. Aunt Meg says it might be in dad’s closet somewhere.” I explain, balancing on the edge of the dock at the lake
“Oh, really? You should tell me about your mom” Adonis hums out from somewhere behind me. I will gladly tell people about my amazing mother.
I look over my shoulder with a happy grin, only to be nearly blinded by a sudden flash, almost sending myself into the water below.
I wait for my vision to clear up and stop looking like tv static, before glaring over at Adonis, who’s new–old Polaroid camera hangs from his wrist, Sharpie cap between his teeth as he scribbles away on a Polaroid picture.
“Let me see what you nearly sent me to a watery grave for.”
The snickers, looking up at me as he waves the photo around gently so the ink dries. He puts the cap back on the marker and
pockets it, along with the picture. “Nope. This one’s for my personal collection.”
I raise a brow, grinning suggestively. “If you want one for your personal collection, I could always pose nude
“On one hand, I wanna say, ‘don’t make me push you to a watery death.” He side–eye’s me as he walks over. “On the other hand, I wanna say, please do,”
I snort a laugh. “Such a teenage boy,”
“Well yeah, I am only eighteen.”
“Alright, so you’re a big boy now.” I tease and he shoots me a grin.
“Well, that depends on wh-”
“I will thr
throw you in the lake camera and all.”
He laughs and throws an arm around my shoulder, ruffling my hair with his free hand as bringing me into his side. “I don’t doubt that, Pretty Girl.”
1 smile, shrugging his arm off me in favour of turning to face him.
Damn, definitely overestimated how much distance was between us.
Adonis stares down at me, the grin on his lips dropping and the tip of his tongue darting over his bottom lip quickly.
The Heiress’s Shadow
er my bottom lip softly as he cups my jaw gently. His touch feels as if it’s barely
Chapter 109
He slowly reaches up, his thumb running
even there. My lips part ever so slightly.
Holy fuck
His voice comes out quiet and raspy. “Hey, Pretty Girl ”
We abruptly step away from each other, looking over at Flynn, who is running out from the trail and across the sand.
Fucking Flynn-
He trips over and faceplants in the warm grains and I snicker.
Karma, bitch.
I watch as Flynn, Octavia, Kamri, Mia, Lucas and Beau pose for pictures.
Let’s rewind, shall we?
Octavia finally decided to put her plan in motion.
Unfortunately, that plan included me getting dragged along with her to hunt down the guy that took Lucas‘ virginity.
Fortunately, convincing him to ask Lucas to prom wasn’t hard at all, because the dude has liked him for the last fOUR YEARS.
Octavia, Kamri and I crouch behind some bushes at the front of the school, spying on Lucas and Beau, who are sitting on one of the benches, a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolate in the former’s arms. Lucas‘ face is so red, I’m getting starting to get a bit concerned.
“I’ll see you later,” Beau grins at the shorter male who looks like a whole tomato. He then nudges his head in the direction of the bushes we’re crouched behind. “I think someone wants to talk to you.”