Gud Wife 785

Gud Wife 785

Chapter 0785 

I call upon Mr. Frank Levett Sr. to testify. Unfortunately, he is unable to speak, as his tongue and vocal cords were cruelly severed. However, despite this tragedy, he remains strong and has developed a way to communicate through writing

Please assist in bringing in Mr. Frank Levett, who has personally requested to testify against his own son. I ask for patience and understanding, as this man, despite his inability to speak, has much to say.” 

The courtroom doors opened, and an elderly man in a wheelchair was wheeled inside

There was nothing left of the oncepowerful and imposing figure he had been. The man sitting there was hunched over, his frail body wrapped in a simple suit. He wore dark sunglasses to cover the scars where his eyes use to be. An oxygen mask covered the lower half of his face, and his hands trembled violently

Marcus and Peter froze

They had both assumed that Frank Levett Sr. had been sent far away from Valentia, following Marcus’s last order. But it was clear nowAnthony Moriarty had known everything they had done


The judge had already arranged for an official witness to verify the validity of Frank Levett Sr.’s written testimony. Normally, such methods weren’t allowed, but considering who he wasthe oncerevered Judge Levett- exceptions were made

Anthony Moriarty had struck a deal with the old man

Frank Levett Sr. had agreed to plead guilty to the massacre of the Bartz family, in exchange for a pardon. It was obvious that, given his age and condition, he wouldn’t last long enough to serve any real prison time. But Anthony had the power to make his remaining days miserable

The courtroom was prepared to project everything the old man wrote. As the prosecutor and defense attorney questioned him, his answers shocked everyone

He revealed the gruesome details of what had been done to himhow he had lost his voice and his tongue. And the mastermind behind it all

His own son

Frank Levett Jr. had ordered it

Why? Because he had needed leverage over Leonardo Palmer. He had forced his father to sign an old power of attorney document, giving him full control over the entire Palmer Group. Since Frank Levett Sr. had once worked closely with the Palmers, the forged documents appeared legitimate, making it seem like the transfer of power had been planned years ago

It was outright fraud

After this shocking revelation, Frank’s defense attorney knew his client was doomed

Frank Levett Jr. had lied to himomitted crucial details that had completely blindsided his legal team. There was no way to defend him now. No witnesses, no arguments, nothing could save himnot when his own father was condemning him

Frank Sr. continued answering every question, each response further cementing his son’s fate. The questions had been carefully crafted to lead him to exactly where Moriarty wanted himto an undeniable confession

Then came the final blow

He confirmed everything about Marcus Bartz. That Marcus had kept him alive, waiting for the day he could send 


Chapter 0785 

him to prison. But that time had passed. Now, he was barely clinging to life

I believe we should let Mr. Frank Levett rest now,Anthony Moriarty finally said, noticing the old man trying to continue writing despite his exhaustion

But there was still one last witness

It’s time to hear from our final witness. She cannot be here in person, so we will conduct her testimony via video call. A courtappointed team is already present at the hospital to ensure the legality of her statement

Once again, I ask for patience and empathy, as this woman’s physical condition severely limits her.” 

A screen lit up

Ms. Levett? Are you ready?” 

YeYesYes, I am,Alexia responded, her voice shaking slightly

The prosecutor started with a few routine questionsones meant to establish her condition and provide context for what had happened to her. Once that was done, he moved on to the real questions

Ms. Levett, is it true that both your father and grandfather agreed to sell you to Leonardo Palmer?” 

Yes,Alexia answered without hesitation

Is it also true that your family was fully aware that you were a victim of sexual abuse at the hands of Leonardo Palmer?” 

Alexia’s gaze shifted toward her son before she whispered, Yes” 

And is it correct that, as a result of those assaults, you had your first child?” 

Alexia shut her eyes, trying to block out the pain

Ms. Levett, I must ask you to answer the question.” 

No!she suddenly exclaimed. My first child was fathered by a Palmer, but not by Leonardo Palmer. His real father is Maximus Palmer. I told my grandfather the baby was Leonardo’s to save his life. If my grandfather had found out the truth, he would have ensured my child never made it past infancy.” 

A murmur spread through the courtroom

So, you’re saying you believe your grandfather had the means to commit murder?” 

“He had the means. He has the means! Do you even have to ask?Alexia’s voice cracked with emotion. Just look at me!” 

Silence fell over the courtroom

Ladies and gentlemen,the prosecutor said, addressing the judges and jury, let the record show that, at this moment, we have confirmed yet another crime. Both Frank Levett Sr. and Jr. were fully aware that their daughter was being rapedand they did nothing

All for power. All for a place at the Palmer table.” 

This trial had served a greater purpose than anyone had anticipated

The accused had exposed themselves, revealing just how far they were willing to go when given power and wealth

Alexia’s image disappeared from the screen, and the trial moved on to the next phasepresenting more damning evidence

Chapter 0785 

Anthony Moriarty was determined

He would leave no doubts about what the Levett name truly stood for

And with each new revelation, it became clearer and clearer this wasn’t just a trial

It was the final reckoning of the Levett dynasty

Gud Wife

Gud Wife

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Gud Wife


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