Chapter 0807
Alden carefully placed Ethan in Peter’s arms. He knew that his father had asked for his grandson for two reasons- one, because he genuinely missed him, and two, because he was giving Alden and Serenity the space they needed to talk to Marcus and Valerie.
“Dad, can I leave Ethan here with you? Serenity and I need to talk to her parents…”
“Don’t worry about it,” Peter said, already holding Ethan close. “I’ll watch over him. I missed this little guy… Now, go, and whatever happens, try to understand your parents, Serenity. And you, Alden, try to understand your in–laws. If you’re both truly ready to face everything, then you have my support.”
“Thank you, Peter. Really, thank you for everything you said today,” Serenity said, looking at the man in front of her.
Alden took Serenity’s hand, and together, they walked out of the room. Celeste, who had been waiting outside, asked if she could go in to see Peter. No one had any objections, so she quickly entered.
As soon as Alden and Serenity stepped into the hallway, Marcus turned around—and the sight before him made everything crystal clear. Alden was holding his daughter’s hand. But more than that, Serenity’s pregnancy was undeniable.
Maximus kept his eyes on Marcus’s every move. Serenity was his biological daughter, and Alden–though not by blood–was still his brother’s son. That made him feel responsible for both of them.
Marcus clenched his fists and was about to march straight toward them when Maximus stepped in front of him, grabbing his arm.
“For their sake, remember that she’s your daughter, and he’s the son of the man who cleared your name,” Maximus said firmly.
“Maximus!” Marcus hissed.
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“Just think about it. I’m not happy about this situation either, but it’s already done.”
Serenity spoke up cautiously, “Dad… Where’s Mom?”
Marcus looked at his daughter, and for a moment, his mind was flooded with memories–of the first time he saw her, of how she had grown over the years.
“Serenity, you, me, and him–we need to talk,” Marcus said, his tone leaving no room for argument.
“Marcus, I know how this looks, and yes, we need to talk. But I can’t go far. My father is about to go into surgery,” Alden interjected.
Marcus narrowed his eyes. He was barely holding himself together. Every fiber of his being wanted to punch the kid in front of him. It wasn’t that he disliked Alden–it was the idea that any man could have been in his position with Serenity.
“Fine… Let’s go to that lounge over there. We’ll take advantage of the fact that your mother is out getting coffee. I need to have a serious talk with both of you,” Marcus said, pointing toward the hallway.
“Marcus, please… Just remember that you were once their age,” Maximus said, trying to keep things civil.
“Maximus… Do me a favor and shut up!” Marcus snapped.
Marcus walked a few steps behind Alden and Serenity. No matter how things had played out, his daughter had made a decision, and now she had to face the consequences
Chapter 0807
Serenity might not have been a child anymore, but to Marcus, she was still that tiny little girl he had adopted at two and a half years old–the same little girl he had met in the hospital, burning up with fever.
Of course, he had always known that one day, she would bring a boyfriend home. That one day, she’d announce she was getting married. But deep down, he had hoped those days would come much later.
Now, he understood why Valerie had slapped her. Not that he agreed with it–he had never been one to discipline his children that way–but he understood his wife’s reaction.
Finally, Marcus turned to Alden with a cold stare. “Alright, Alden. I’m all ears. You two better have a damn good explanation for what I’m seeing right now.”