Chapter 0816
Celeste went back into the room, and Peter looked at her, his eyes softening.
“Come here… I want to hold you.”
Something in his gaze unsettled her, but without hesitation, she stepped closer.
“Do you know that since the moment I met you, you became my whole world? I still can’t believe you’re going to be my wife.”
“Peter… You need to get better. Once all of this is over, we go home. Besides, we have a wedding to plan.”
Peter smiled at her. He knew something wasn’t right. He refused to leave her alone, but for some strange reason, he had a feeling he wouldn’t see her again. That’s why he wanted to cherish every second he had left.
“Where did you put Ethan?”
“He’s in the sitting area, asleep on the couch. Out like a rock”
“Good.. Come here. Get on the bed–I want to hold you.‘
Celeste climbed onto the hospital bed, and he wrapped his arms around her, breathing in her scent.
“You know, this is one of the things I love most about you.”
“Your scent… You always smell like roses.”
“Yeah, I love your perfume. Back when we were in Slovenia, I loved that the whole house smelled like you.”
“You never told me that!”
“It was my little secret. But now you know… Listen, I know you don’t want to talk about this, but… It’s important. Dr. Wagner will be here any minute, and I just need you to know what to do if something happens to me.”
“Peter, everything will be fine. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
“Celeste, please. I know you don’t want to think about it, but I need to go into surgery with peace of mind. If everything goes well, we’ll be home before you know it, waiting for our babies to arrive.”
He took a deep breath before continuing
“But I need to be honest with you. If something goes wrong I want to make sure everything is settled. Theodore isn’t here—I sent him out of the country for some business which is why he hasn’t visited. It hurts that I won’t see him before surgery, but I can’t wait for him to return.”
Celeste opened her mouth to speak, but he gently placed a hand on hers.
“My love, if I don’t make it… You need to know that you have been the best thing that has ever happened to me. If something happens to me, Theodore will be there–he’ll take care of you and our children. And so will Maximus. But I trust that everything I’ve built will pass into the hands of my children and you.”
“Peter, I don’t like when you talk like this. Everything is going to be fine. In just a few hours, you’ll be out of surgery, and this will all be behind us.”
“I hope so, my love. I want to wake up and see you. I want you to be the first person I see when I open my eyes.
Chapter 0816
Promise me that.”
“Of course! The babies and I will be right here, waiting for you. I won’t leave your side. And Peter… If something does happen, I need you to know that I will be strong. I always have been. Our babies will be my whole world, and I will raise them to be good people, just like you.‘
She pressed her forehead against his, her voice trembling. She had been holding back her tears, but the thought of losing Peter made her chest tighten painfully. She had told him she’d be strong, but she was lying. Life had never been easy for her, and sometimes, just standing on her own two feet felt impossible.
“Peter… I love you, and I’ll be here when you wake up. In a few days, we’ll be home, laughing about all of this. There’s so much we need to do together. Our babies are the biggest reason to keep fighting–do you hear me?”
“I hear you… Believe me, you, my children, and my grandchildren are the most important things in my life. And I don’t want to lose that.”
Celeste and Peter talked a little longer. She did everything she could to keep him comfortable, but she knew that as soon as Dr. Wagner walked through that door, the moment of truth would arrive.
Once Peter was wheeled off to surgery, she would pray to every saint she could think of.
“Celeste, before I go, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while….”
“Tell me, my love…”
“Did you ever live in Galea?”
“Hmm… Yes… Many years ago. I was very young, and it wasn’t long after my parents passed away. Why?”