Chapter 41
Sia and Jake chatted for a while, they were so immersed in their talks that none of them saw Sebastian returning
With the candied fruit until he was right beside them.
“Oh,” Jake gasped when he saw Sebastian. “I didn’t know you were with company! Is this your uncle?” He asked Sia, before turning his attention to Sebastian.
“Hi, I’m Jake Hunter. A friend of Sia’s from junior high, nice to meet you.” Jake greeted with a polite
But Sebastian didn’t share his sentiments. The hand holding the candy trembled as he struggled to contain the jealousy snaking around his heart. His face went dark at Jake’s choice of title.
Uncle, really? Was he that old?
bristled, and answered before Sebastian could say anything. “You got that wrong, Jake. Allow me to introduce you to my boyfriend, his name is Sebastian.”
“For real?” Jake blurted, disbelieving his ears, his eyes widening like saucers. The contrast between the two was like day and night and standing together, he couldn’t help but compare them with the Beauty and the Beast from the fairy tale.
“Let’s head back.” Sebastian leaned and whispered to Sia, completely ignoring Jake’s existence.
“Alright, thanks for candied fruit dear.” Sia blushed at Sebastian’s antics, before turning to Jake.
“It was nice meeting you Jake, I’ll be taking my leave first.”
Sia hugged Sebastian’s arm and walked away.
Sebastian studied Sia’s face for any change in her expression. But all she was concerned about was. the candied fruit in her hand, she didn’t look bothered or hurt in the slightest.
Didn’t girls nowadays care about appearance and reputations anymore? Sebastian thought.
“Does my appearance often cause you trouble?” Sebastian asked at last.
If that’s the case, he was willing to get rid of his mask even if that would make his family suspicious.
Sia pondered on Sebastian’s question seriously, her brows creasing. But her silence only made Sebastian anxious, taking that as positive. No matter how she tried to hide it, his scars did bother her.
Tha Millkanolico’s Infordable Mistake
Holding her arm, Sebastian halted Sla’s steps and turned around to face her. He brought his right hand to the scarred part of his face, ready to take off the mask but paused at Sia’s words.
“Alright, I’ll be honest and admit that I was a little bit frightened by the scar on your face when we met. It gives you this devilish look, but I really don’t care now that I know the person you are. It is a part of what made up your past, a constant reminder to me of what you had gone through and how much I should cherish and take care of you.”
Sebastian was speechless for a while.
“You always know the right words to say to me Sia.”
“Huh? But I’m only speaking my mind.” Sia blinked innocently.
“Besides, have you seen yourself in the mirror? The left half of your face would have the ladies dropping at
fect. It’s so perfectly carved and along with your body figure, you can put any super model to shame!” Sia gushed.
“With so many perfect features, there’s no way a small scar on the face would diminish your beauty. It’s not even like it could defect your genes. Our son would be a literal god in the future when we give birth.”
The corners of Sebastian’s mouth twitched, then twitched some more until he was full blown grinning. In the short span of time he’d known Sia, he had smiled more than all the previous years combined.
“Hmm. So you want to have a baby with me, yeah?”
The sky had gotten darker, the yellow street lights coming to life, glowing softly in the dark as Sebastian stalked towards Sia whispering softly in her ear.
Sia’s heart drummed loudly against her rib cage, beating faster in her chest.
…Is that the only thing you heard out of all the long speech I gave?” She stepped aside, walking
Chubbles in her arms. Under the streetlights, their shadows appeared long.
around him clutching
“Have you tried the candied fruit, Seb? You wouldn’t want to miss this! It’s sweet and sour, and delicious, here, have a taste.” Sia tried to change the subject.
“Okay, feed me.”
Sia held up the candied fruit high to his mouth, but Sebastian wasn’t really interested in the candied fruit, but rather Sia’s juicy lips smeared with sugar syrup. He gulped, suddenly very tasty. Without hesitation, Sebastian leaned over and kissed her lips.
Chapter 41. Al
Sia’s legs went jelly at the deep kiss, and when they parted, both their breaths were laboured.
“Yeah.” Sebastian breathed. “It tastes divine.”