Chapter 11
I looked toward the door and saw Hektor standing there.
Kira tried to block me from approaching him, but there’re too many words I wanted to say.
Finally, she sighed and retreated inside, leaving us alone.
When Hektor saw I was willing to talk, his bloodshot eyes lit up with pathetic hope,
“Yunifer, you saw everything online, right?” His voice had that desperate edge I’d come to recognize. “Does this mean we can work things out?”
I couldn’t contain myself anymore. My hand flew up, connecting with his face in a slap that echoed down the hallway,
He stared at me in stunned disbelief, his cheek reddening.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” he stammered. “I had Laria kidnapped–made that bitch suffer for everything she did to you. What more do you want?”
“You think that makes us even?” I spat back. “My parents treated you like their own son. Did you feel even a flicker of remorse while you were destroying my life?”
Hektor’s face crumpled. Without warning, he dropped to his knees on my doorstep, his voice breaking.
“Please, Yunifer,” he choked out. “I was completely blind. I didn’t understand my own feelings.”
“It’s always been you–from the very first time I saw you sitting at your father’s piano. I’ve been in love with you all along.”
“I’ll do anything–literally anything in this world–if you’ll just give me one more chance.”
“Look,” he fumbled for his phone, pulling up documents with shaking hands. “I’ve transferred everything into your name. All my personal assets. The company shares. Everything. You own me now.”
He rose to his feet, arms reaching for me.
I stepped back, my voice ice–cold. “You might could be so shameless, Hektor, but I can’t. Every time I look at your face, I want to tear it off with my bare hands.”
“Someone as selfish as you doesn’t deserve to exist in this world.”
Hektor clutched his head in anguish. But as he opened his mouth to speak, blood suddenly trickled from the corner of his lips.
I froze, watching in horror as Laria emerged from the shadows behind him, her face twisted in a grotesque smile. In her hand gleamed a bloody knife.
“You worthless piece of shit,” she seethed at Hektor. “You’d destroy everything we built just to clear the runway for this talentless nobody?”
Hektor collapsed to his knees, blood seeping through his crisp white shirt.
“Laria, we were wrong,” he gasped, struggling to form words. “Your career, your fame–it was all stolen from… Yunifer.”
“LIAR?” she snarled. “Everything I have is mine! I’m so talented why was everyone always fawning over Yunifer?”
“As long as she’s breathing. I’ll always be second best! I’m Laria fucking Reed! The spotlight belongs to MEC
Her laughter nuned unhinged–high pitched and jagged
She suddenly went completely still, her head turning toward me with mechanical precision, her smile morphing into something feral
As she hinged in my direction, Hektor somehow found the strength to stagger to his feet.
With what must have been every ounce of his remaining energy, he intercepted the blade as it arced toward my chest, catching it
with his bare hand.
Blood poured between his fingers, but he didn’t even inch as he wrenched the knife from her grip.
Laria retreated in fear, turning to run, but Hektor caught her arm in an iron grip.
“Please, Hektor,” she whimpered, instantly reverting to her vulnerable act. “I’m sorry! I won’t do it again. Please let me go!”