He called over yesterday to ask me what kind of ring you would want.I stare at her, horrified 

And he’s going to go all out with a grand proposal, and I just want you to be excited when he does it, you know?The walls begin to close in around me

Russel is a great guy, Violet.She takes my hand across the table

My eyes well with tears. Why would he want to get married?” 

Because he loves you and you’ve been together for two years now, You guys are great together” 

And you told me because..” 

Because I knew you would react like this and I wanted it to be to me and not him. He doesn’t deserve to see your face fall.” 

Sheer terror begins to run rampant through my body. I don’t want to get married, Deb,” 

Why not?” 

Her silhouette blurs and I get a lump in my throat, unable to articulate myself

Russel is a great guy,” she tells me

I know he is.” 

And you two have great chemistry, and the sex is great.” 

I know.” 

And he loves you and he’s great with the kids. Remember how incredible he was when Buddy died?I put my head into my hands

You should be jumping from the rooftops in excitement.” 

I should.” 

The only reason I told you is because deep down, I knew you wouldn’t be.” 

How?I ask



The Conspiracy of BabySwitching 


Chapter 24 

How did you know I wouldnt be engr 

She stares at the for a heat. I watch the two of you together end is obvious that is affection is press than yours. His commitment to the relationship in tronger than yours. He’s one hundred percent all in. and you’re just not.” 


“I don’t know what the hell is wrong with meI whisper Russed is my dream pay, crying about him is perfect. But.My voice trails off 

He’s not him.” 

This has nothing to do with Gabriel,I snap, annoyed

Doesn’t it?she snaps back. I think it does, I think you’re will hopelessly in love with Gabriel Ferrara. and no man, no matter how perfect he is will ever live up to him.” 

That’s complete bullshit. I haven’t thought of Gabriel in years.” 

Violet.She squeezes my hand in hers. You need to learn to love what’s good for you.” 

Her silhouette blurs

Russel is good for you.She gives me a sad smile. He loves you.” 

I know.” 

If you don’t love him enough to marry him, you need to stop being selfish and let him go so that he can find someone else.” 

I screw up my face in tears. I don’t want to lose him.” 

Then don’t.She smiles. Marry him, be happy. Because that’s what you deserve. A man that worships the ground you walk on.” 

The thought of marrying Russel rolls my stomach, in fact the thought of marrying anyone rolls my 


Please, Violet. Think on this, don’t mess up a perfect relationship because you’re scared.” 

I’m not scared, Deb, that isn’t it.” 

What is it, then?” 

The reality issadness fills me to say this out loud, something is missing with Russ.” 

Like what?” 


The Conspiracy of BabySwitching 


Chapter 25 

I don’t know. If I knew, I would fix it.” 


I slide the king into place. Checkmate.Mark rolls his eyes

Beating you is becoming boring.I sigh

I only play with you because you pay me to,he replies dryly

I chuckle and sip my scotch

Why are we playing chess on a Saturday night, anyway?he asks

My eyes roam over to the wall of windows and the twinkling New York lights way down below. I don’t know.I sip my scotch. Do you ever get the feeling that there is something missing?” 

How so?” 

I don’t know, I have everythingand yet.” 

If you want something more when you live the life you do, then the rest of us mere mortals are screwed,he replies

I sip my drink again as I drift into deep thought. Maybe I should get married.” 

Maybe.He shrugs. Ariana isPerfect.I cut him off

He nods

We start a new game of chess as we both fall into our own thoughts. I always thought when I met the one, I would be chomping at the bit to make it legal,I say as I think out loud

Not sure if I’ll ever get married, to be honest,Mark replies

I want children.” 

You need children to pass all this crap down to.He gestures around my apartment

For the record, my eightymilliondollar penthouse is not crap.” 

He chuckles. But does it make you happy?” 

No.My eyes roam around the penthouse. Doesn’t appear to.” 

So are you going to marry Ariana?” 


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Chapter 25 


Who are you going to marry then, if not her?” 

I don’t know. Ariana is beautiful and adoring, Italian and rowrything that we for over a year and I do love her.” 

But you’re not in love with her?” 

Maybe I’m incapable of it.” 

Probably.He thinks for a moment. You owe me five hundred bucks.” 

For what?” 

I’m not being your therapist for free, you know.” 

What solution have you given me, you just told me I’m incapable of love,I fire back. And see wh did your price rise?He chuckles. The truth is costly.” 

I walk into my apartment just on six and see rose petals scattered up the hall

What the hell is this

Ariana?I call, confused. As I keep walking, more rose petals. Ariana?I turn the corner and see a inge love heart on the floor made of rose petals with flickering candles and music and Ariana is on one knee 



I love you.She smiles up at me. I know you’re supposed to be the one to ask, but I can’t wait any longer.No. 

SweetheartI just.” 

Will you marry me, Gabriel?she asks hopefully as she looks up at me

My heart sinks. The very last thing I want to do is hurt this beautiful woman

I love you so much,she whispers through tears. Make me the happiest woman alive and husband.” 

ne my 

And this is it, the moment where I have to choose what I know is good for me. I drop to my knees in front of her, torn between begging for forgiveness that she has to put up with me and the need to run as far away as I physically can. Yes.I softly kiss her lips


The Conspiracy of Baby Switching 


Chapter 75 

Yes, F’ll marry you

seven years to the day after Violet lett Ferrara Mema 

1 glance up at the sign hanging over the door



I push through the door and walk right on in. Good afternoon, Mr. Ferrara, your table is this way, sir The waiter nods with a smile

Thank you.I follow him through the restaurant and see my brother Alessio sitting with my mother at her regular table by the window

She breaks into a broad smile as she sees me

Mama.I kiss her two cheeks

Ciao, mio caro Gabriel.(Hello, my darling Gabriel.) She smiles

Ales.I pat my brother on the shoulder before sitting at the table

Alessio pours me a glass of wine and passes it over. Glad you’re here, Mom can lecture you now.He raises his wineglass before taking a huge gulp

My eyes flick up to my mother. Che succede, mamma? Qualcosa non va?(What’s wrong, Mama?

He canceled his date with Arabella.She scowls

Alessio looks over at me, deadpan, and I chuckle

If you like Arabella so much, you should date her yourself,he replies dryly

She is the ultimate woman,she replies

For Gabriel,Alessio fires back

Gabriel is married.” 

Not yet.I roll my eyes. Calm down.” 

In five weeks, so same thing.” 

The Conspiracy of Baby Switching 


Chap 25 

There’s dill time to run Alkes endre as rece glass to pu 

1 smile and then drop my face immediately 

My mother’s main mission in life is to marry off her children, eh’s being met with hard resetace on all 

1 open the menu, peruse the choices and roll my eyes. Why do we always come here. I hate yegan food” 

And yet you always eat everything on your plate? Mom replies

I want meat,I sigh 

When you are married, you will want for nothing” 

Ugh. 1 gulp my wine too, Alessio’s mood is rubbing off on me

Nagging is her favorite sport

Where is Carina?I ask

Your sister had an appointment.” 

What did you say to Arabella?Mother asks Alessio

I glance over and see a familiar face, what was his name. I watch him for a moment as I try to place himRodney

He worked for me back when Gracie was here

I wonder… 


The Conspiracy of Baby Switching 




Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English


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