Chapter 108
As he walked away, I turned to Vesta, eager to change the subject. “Can we go now?”
“Sure, let’s get out of here,” she replied, leading us to her car. Once inside, I glanced at Cyrus. He looked up at me, his innocent eyes brimming with questions.
“Mommy, why did you and Carlos look sad?” he asked. “It’s complicated, sweetie. Sometimes adults have misunderstandings when they try to reason with each other,” I explained, forcing a smile to reassure him.
“But he seemed nice,” Cyrus noted, “He is. It’s just… sometimes friends need to be distant from each other,” I whispered, hoping he wouldn’t press further.
As we drove, Vesta glanced at me, and said, “Doris, I know you’re trying to protect him, but it’s okay to talk to him. You can lean on him, you know?” “I just… I don’t want to get too close. It complicates things,” I admitted. “Doris, relationships can be complicated, but you don’t have to go through this alone,” Vesta said gently, trying to comfort me.
“I know, but I need time to sort through everything. And I just wish you wouldn’t snitch on me,” I said with a hint of frustration, though I appreciated her concern. Vesta nodded in understanding. “I won’t say anything, but you have to promise to keep me in the loop. 11 figure this out together.” I nodded.
Tina stirred uneasily within me, her voice low as she questioned why I had hurt Carlos so much. “Doris, he cares about you,” she insisted. I looked down, feeling the weight of her words. “I don’t need to be that close to him. Friends should keep their distance,” I whispered defensively.
As we drove to Vesta’s place, I kept talking to Tina as I wanted to sort through my fears. I wanted to protect Cyrus, but I knew I needed help. Vesta had urged me to go to the police and report the strange events happening at home.
After reaching there, I took a deep breath, splashed water on my face, and dressed carefully, determined to make the police take me seriously. With Vesta’s support, I headed to the station for Cyrus’s safety.
“Giving Up My First Love For Secret Research Second Chance at Happines
But as I finally stepped inside the police station, I feared that getting the help I needed
might not be as easy as I’d hoped.
The officers inside barely noticed me, leaning back in their chairs and chatting as if they had all the time in the world. After a moment, one of them finally strolled over, looking me up and down as if I were interrupting his routine.
Can I help you?” he asked, sounding more curious than concerned. I steadied my voice and began explaining, “I think someone’s been watching me. There’s a black car that’s been following me, and strange things have been happening at my place. Doors are left open. there are odd sounds at night… It all makes me feel like I’m being watched constantly. I even found a note left behind…”
The officer barely reacted, raising an eyebrow as if I was wasting his time. “Following you, huh?” he said, sounding doubtful. “Yes,” I replied, “I’m scared. I don’t feel safe, and I thought
you could help.” He shrugged and gave a quick glance at his partner, who was only
half–listening from behind the desk. After a long pause, he finally muttered, “Alright, we’ll
check it out.”
Their disinterest was clear as they followed me to my place. They looked around quickly, barely paying attention. It felt like they were just going through the motions, pretending to inspect things without really caring or intending to help.
“I couldn’t hold back anymore. “Can you please take this seriously?” I called out. One officer looked back at me, an annoying smirk forming on his face. “There’s nothing wrong here, lady. You’re a beautiful woman,” he added with a sneer, “maybe if you had a man living with you, you wouldn’t feel so jumpy.”
His words stung. I could feel my cheeks flush with anger, “That’s not helpful. I don’t need a man for protection. I just need you to do your job you’re paid for!” He shrugged, looking utterly unbothered. “Suit yourself,” he muttered before turning away with a careless sihirk.
I watched them drive off, but I couldn’t ignore my instincts, so I checked around the house myself.
I moved cautiously through each room. I peered into closets and under beds and my heart kept racing at every creak of the floor. Nothing seemed out of place,
but the uneasy feeling wouldn’t go away.
“Giving Up My First Love For Secret Research Second
ire at Happiness
fina, I called out to my inner wolf. Do you think the smell is gone? Tina replied
thoughtfully. “The one from before? I think it might be gone“. She paused, scanning the space with me.
“Maybe we were just too nervous, “I murmured to myself, “Everything’s probably okay.” But before I could let out a breath of relief, a loud bird call shrieked from outside, startling me so much I nearly jumped. What was that? I whispered as my heart pounded.