Chapter 0109
After leaving Mary in her room, Peter went to his study and sat behind his desk for a long time. He stared at nothing, lost in thought about how life seemed to play tricks on him again and again. Mary had come back home, but now, she wasn’t the same girl who had arrived years ago. She wasn’t alone.
“Maximus, you always have to be one step ahead of me,” he muttered bitterly.
His mind wandered to the complicated, secret relationship he’d had with Mary while she had stayed with him. She had never mentioned Maximus back then, so when she left to return to him and eventually married him, Peter had dismissed it as a childish tantrum–punishment for abandoning her that night at the company dinner.
No one had known the true depth of their relationship Over time, Peter had fallen for Mary. He indulged her in everything, allowing her to get a job at a café–bar where she sometimes performed as a rock band vocalist. Peter attended her performances whenever he could, bringing her little gifts under the guise of celebrating her shows.
Their mutual attraction had been undeniable, and their flirtations grew bolder. But Peter, known for keeping multiple women in his orbit, often sabotaged things when he felt himself getting too close to her. Deep down, he was terrified of hurting her.
Mary, for her part, always insisted they were just “playing around as friends.” This was confusing for both of them, as neither was willing to be honest about their feelings. Her immaturity and Peter’s lack of commitment and irresponsibility meant their connection never solidified into something real.
By the time Peter resolved to take things seriously, it was too late. He had ruined everything at the company dinner, leaving with a stunning redhead in a provocative dress. He had no idea that his decision to walk away that night would alter his life forever. Maximus had seized the opportunity he had left behind.
“If I hadn’t left that damned night, Mary, you would’ve been my wife by now. We’d have kids, and this little one on the way would be mine. I destroyed it all, but this time, I’ll fix it. I promise you–I’ll never let you be alone. You’ll never lack for anything. I’ll be there to protect you both. I’ll be a good father,” Peter whispered to himself, resolute.
His decision made, Peter rose from his seat and went to his bedroom. Tomorrow would be a long day, and he needed to rest.
The next morning, Peter entered Mary’s room carrying a tray laden with food–fruit, vegetables, eggs, bread, and milk. He was determined to ensure she ate healthily. From now on, he wouldn’t allow himself to fail her. His days of reckless behavior were over; it was time to be responsible.
“Mary, beautiful! Wake up. I brought breakfast. You need to eat well–no skipping meals. If we want this baby to grow big and strong, you have to eat properly and on time. Last night, I looked up gynecologists.
I found one not far from here and checked his credentials–he’s one of the best in the area.”
“Peter…” Mary murmured groggily, her eyes still closed as she tried to wake up.
“Oh, and I also found a yoga class for moms and dads, ‘ve already emalled them to enroll us- waiting for the details and cost. We can check it out if you’re interested.”
“Okay, okay, calm down. I’m only about three or four weeks along. We have a long way to go,” Mary said, half–laughing.
“True, but it’s never too early to plan! A baby is no joke, Mary. We need to be prepared,” Peter replied, his tone turning serious. “Come on, no slacking. The doctor’s expecting us at 10:00 a.m., and it’s already 8:30,”
Mary forced herself to wake up. Lately, she had been struggling to get out of bed–a lazy sleepiness had overtaken her for the past two weeks. It wasn’t sadness or exhaustion, just a persistent drowsiness. Peter was right; during her time at the clinic, she had fallen into the habit of sleeping until noon.
Dragging herself out of bed, she looked at Peter, who stood by the door, beaming with a mixture of excitement and determination. She couldn’t help but smile at his enthusiasm, even if it made her feel a little guilty. He was throwing himself wholeheartedly into the role of protector, and she wondered if she deserved such devotion. Still, for the first time in a while, she felt safe.
Chapter 110
Chapter 0110