Chapter 0116
Peter and Mary returned home. She took a long nap wile he drove. As he navigated the road, Peter couldn’t help but reflect on all the things that needed be sorted out. A baby was on the way, and nothing would ever be the same. He needed to share the good news with someone, and there was paperwork to handle.
When they arrived, Peter parked the car, and Mary wake up. He opened her door and offered his hand to help her out. As she stepped out, he hugged her and lifted her off the ground, exclaiming, “I’m so excited! Can you imagine a little version of you running around the garden? Playing on the beach?”
“Peter, it’s still too early!” she replied, laughing.
“I know, but just picture it! Soon enough, this house will be filled with toys and baby things!”
“Baby things, sir?” asked Agnes, their housekeeper, her voice tinged with curiosity.
“Yes, Agnes, there’ll be a baby here soon! But for now, no one else can know,” Peter said seriously.
Mary couldn’t do much more than blush. It was clear Agnes was surprised, but it was equally obvious that in a few months, her growing belly wouldn’t go unnoticed. It was better she knew now.
“We have to take extra good care of this beautiful woman!” Peter said to Agnes, giving Mary a loving look.
“Yes, sir! What wonderful news! I never thought I’d hear something like this. Well, well, we’ll have to make sure to feed this young lady properly!”
“Alright, calm down, everyone. It’s still very early!” Mary protested, though her smile betrayed her happiness. “I know we’ll take good care of everything, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves!”
“Miss Mary, pregnancy is no small thing! You need to take care of yourself. And what a joy it’ll be to have a little one finally bringing life to this big house,” said Agnes, beaming,
Mary felt grateful for their excitement, but at the same time, a pang of guilt lingered. The baby wasn’t
Later that evening, in her room, she couldn’t stop thinking about Peter’s suggestion–that they say the baby was his, to keep others from interfering. The idea wasn’t so crazy. If everyone believed the baby was Peter’s, Maximus would never have a reason to come near her again.
After a long time deliberating, she made her decision and went straight to Peter’s study. She was surprised to find him there with his lawyer, Dom.
“Well, Dom, I’ve given you the changes I need. Let me know as soon as the papers are ready–I’ll be working from here,” Peter said.
“Of course, Mr. Palmer. Don’t worry, everything will be in order,” Dom replied, gathering his briefcase. Good evening, ma’am,” he said, nodding to Mary on his Way out.
“Mary, what’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell? Do we need to go to the doctor?” Peter asked, concerned.
“No, no, I just wanted to talk to you,” she said, her voice soft.
“Oh, I see. Alright, tell me,” Peter sald, standing and buttoning his suit jacket. “Have a seat.”
Mary’s heart fluttered as she watched him rise and walk toward her.
“I’ve been thinking about what you said,” she began, Ddgeting with the hem of her dress.
“What did you decide?”
“I want you to be my baby’s father. I realize we were always happlest when we were together. We had our differences, but we were happy. I want you to be the one. No one else needs to know the truth. You’ll be the father, and that’s all that should matter to us,” she said firs
“Mary, does that mean…?” Peter began, watching her as she stood.
“Yes, Peter. I want to spend every day of my life with you. I want to be your wife!” Mary declared, cupping his face with her small hands and planting a warm kiss on his lips.
Peter was stunned. He had dreamed of this moment for years, and now, his future wife had taken the first step.
“We’re going to be amazing parents! Mary, I love you! I know we had something special once, and I’ll do everything I can to reignite what we had,” Peter said, kissing her back passionately.
“Alright, alright, take it easy!” Mary laughed, gently pushing him back. “Don’t forget–we have a baby on the way!”