Chapter 0120
After a couple of hours, Peter woke up feeling rested. The trip had exhausted him, and being with Mary always made him feel pleasantly drowsy. As soon as they’d arrived at Catherine’s house, all he’d wanted was to cuddle up with his beloved and take a nap.
Mary was still asleep, but as Peter shifted, she began to stir. As always, she stretched like a cat, and he took the opportunity to tickle her. Her laughter filled the room, and it didn’t go unnoticed. Catherine, who had been eagerly waiting for the pair to emerge, pretended to pass by the hallway and knocked on the door. Mary clapped her hands over her mouth in surprise, having momentarily forgotten they were at Catherine’s house.
“Peter, my dear!” Grandma called.
“Yes, Grandma? What is it?” Peter replied, stifling a laugh.
“Can I come in?”
“Grandma, I’m not… presentable!”
“Peter Palmer, what are you hiding?” Catherine said, pushing the door open unceremoniously.
Mary immediately sat up, positioning herself behind Peter on the bed.
“Grandma! Haven’t you ever heard of knocking?”
“Peter Palmer and Mary Preston! Do you really think I don’t notice what’s going on? Are you going to explain what’s happening here?”
Peter knew this moment was inevitable. Clearing his throat, he decided it was time to come clean. “Well, Grandma, I guess there’s no point hiding it anymore. Mary and I are together,” he said with a serious expression.
“Together? Mary, is this true?” Catherine asked, turning to the woman hiding behind Peter.
“Yes, Grandma, it’s true. We’ve been together since I returned home. I love him, and he loves me, Mary confessed, her voice steady despite her nerves.
Catherine’s face remained unreadable for a moment before breaking into a wide smile.
“My dear children! Why didn’t you share such wonderful news sooner?” she said, tears glistening in her eyes. “You two are so cruel to me–you don’t know how happy this makes me!”
“Grandma, there’s something else we need to tell you,” Mary said hesitantly.
“More surprises?”
“Two more,” Peter said, exchanging a knowing glance with Mary.
“Yes, Grandma,” Mary added, swallowing hard. “First Peter and I aren’t just trying to be a couple. We’re already living together as a family.”
“And…” Peter started but stopped when Mary interrupted.
“Walt, Peter. This part is mine to share,” she said, toring back to Catherine “We’re pregnant.”
“What? What?! How? When? Why didn’t you tell me? How far along are you?” Catherine blurted out, completely overwhelmed.
“Grandma, calm down, pleasel Don’t get too excited–hat’s exactly why we were hesitant to tell you,” Peter said, concerned as he noticed how pale she had gone.
“Peter! News like this shouldn’t be kept secret,” Catherine scolded, her tone stern.
“Grandma, we were just waiting for the right momento tell you. You know this isn’t easy, and we didn’t know how you’d react,” Peter explained, his voice softening
“Hush, children! These are wonderful news! It’s the best birthday gift you could have given me!
“Really, Grandma?” Mary asked, visibly relieved.
“Of course, my dear! How could this not be wonderful news?”
“We thought it might make you uncomfortable…” Peter admitted, his brow furrowed.
“Peter! This is the happiest news I’ve received in ages Catherine said, wiping tears from her cheeks. In fact, I owe you both an apology. I was the one who tore you apart, without considering your feelings. Life has now given me the chance to see you together again.”
“Grandma, we made our own choices in the past. We’re just glad you support us now,” Mary said, trying to comfort her.
“Please calm down, Grandma–1 don’t want you to get too worked up,” Peter added, his concern evident. “Now tell me,” Catherine said, regaining her composure, “when do you plan to get married? A baby is on the way, and you’re living as if nothing has changed. We need to start planning your wedding!” “Grandma, we’re fine as we are,” Mary said, attempting to downplay the situation.
“Mary,” Peter interjected, taking her hand and looking at her seriously. “I think Grandma is right. We should give our relationship the recognition it deserves. You deserve a grand wedding,”
“Peter, I’m happy
I’m happy with the way things are. We’re happy as we are…” Mary replied, feeling a mix of
“No, my dear! I want to see you united. I want to see you in a beautiful wedding dress. I want to walk you down the aisle with my grandson. I want to see you and Peter celebrate your love with a marvelous wedding! Don’t you agree?” Catherine said, her enthusiasm palpable.
Mary and Peter exchanged a look, neither of them commenting further. Instead, they smiled at each other knowingly. They weren’t in a rush to marry, but they understood how much it meant to Catherine and decided they would give her the joy she hoped for someday.
After their heartfelt conversation, the three of them emerged from the room. Catherine stopped them before they could leave.
“Peter, Mary, there’s no need to sleep separately or sneak around anymore. We’re adults, and I know that baby didn’t come from thin air.”
Chapter 0120
“Does that mean we can sleep in the same room?” Maty asked, blushing
“Of course, my dear! I’m not blind–I know that’s what you already do at home,” Catherine replied, smiling at the pair. “Enough talking, though. Let’s go eat. Peter, your father is probably waiting for us in the garden. I certainly didn’t expect to hear such wonderful news today!”
“Grandma, about the baby… We’d prefer to keep it a secret for now, okay?” Mary said, giving Catherine her best pleading look.
“But, my dear, this is something to celebrate!”
“I know, but we’d like to wait until at least the fourth month–just as a precaution, okay?” Mary said gently.
“Alright, my dear. I respect and understand your decision. But as for your relationship, I’m afraid that’s too obvious to hide,” Catherine said with a wink. “Now, tell me how far along are you? Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl? Are you keeping up with your prenatal care?”
“Yes, Grandma! There’ll be plenty of time to talk about all of that later. For now, let’s eat. Mary shouldn’t skip meals,” Peter said, steering the conversation away from Catherine’s barrage of questions. They weren’t quite ready for such an in–depth discussion just yet.