Chapter 123
The kids and I run to the top of the stairs to see Deb and Mark walking through the front door.
“Deb,” they cry as they run down the stairs while I hobble along behind them. They hug her while I wait my turn and I grab her in a bear hug. “Oh my god, I missed you.” I hold her tight.
There is no better friend in the world than my beautiful Deb.
“Holy shit. Look at this place,” she gasps as she looks around.
“Hello, Debbie.” Gabriel smiles awkwardly, he gives her a quick peck on the cheek.
“Thank you so much for doing this for us.”
“It’s my pleasure.” She takes the kids by the hands. “Show me around, then.”
Gabriel and Mark stay in the living room, chatting, and to the sounds of oohs and ahhs, the kids and I show her around. We get to our bedroom and her eyes widen. “You’re fucking kidding me, right?” she whispers as she stares out over the view.
“This is my wardrobe.” I open the door to show her.
Her eyes widen. “What the hell, it’s bigger than my bedroom.”
I get the giggles. “Stupid.”
“Oh jeez.” She looks around with her hands on her hips. “A weekend here is going to be tough.”
“Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” The kids run out of the room, bored with our conversation.
“Yep.” She smiles. “And Mark is staying with me if I need anything.”
“He’s staying here.” I frown. “In this apartment?” “Yes. Gabriel wants him to stay with us to be safe.” My eyes hold hers for an extended beat.
“Don’t.” She smirks.
Chapter 123
“Get your mind out of the gutter.”
“I’m just saying.”
“You don’t need to. I’m happily married.”
“Remember that.”
“When have I ever forgotten?” she gasps.
“When you
locked eyes
with Mark for the first time.”
“Stop.” She smiles as she hugs me. “Go and be exotic somewhere, you rich bitch.”
“I love you, thank you so much for this.”
“Have fun, babe, you deserve it.” She holds me tight.
I tear up, because more than anyone, Deb knows what I’ve been through because she’s been through it with me. Every hard step of the way with these babies, Deb has been my rock. Throughout the pregnancy, the birth, their lives…she’s stepped up and been their second mom and the partner I
never had.
“Thank you for everything, Deb, I owe you so much.”
“Stop blubbering. Your friendship is all I ever want…actually.” She looks in my wardrobe. “I’ll have your hand–me–downs too.”
We giggle and walk back out to the living room. “Let’s go.”
Five hours later.
The stewardess walks up the plane. “We’re preparing to land, Mr. Ferrara.” She smiles.
“Thank you,” he replies.
I have no idea how long we’ve been flying; he’s taken my phone and my watch. “Can I see?” I go to open the blind on the window and Gabriel snaps it shut.
“It’s a surprise.”
“But we’re here, this is the surprise time.”
Chapter 123
“Not until we get there.” He widens his eyes and pulls out a blindfold.
Ha–ha, oh my god.
Honestly, this is the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me, being flown to a secret location on a private jet for a first date with the hottest man alive.
I feel like a Bond girl or something.
The plane pulls to a stop, and Gabriel puts the blindfold on me. “Are you serious?” I whisper as I hold
it over my eyes.
“Totally.” He leads me by the hand down the aisle of the plane.
“I’m totally going to fall down the stairs, you know how clumsy I am, and that’s when I can see where I’m going.”
“Don’t remind me.” He leads me to the door of the plane. “Thank you.” He lifts the blindfold just a little so I can see the stairs as I walk down them. It’s dark outside, and although I try to peek, I can’t see anything of significance.
The wind whips my hair around, it’s not as hot as I thought it would be.
Maybe my dream of a tropical island isn’t happening.
Where the hell are we?