er 0170
Chapter 0170
Maximus held the
lained jacket in one hand as he stepped into the car waiting for him. The driver began the trip to the Four Seasons Hotel Madrid, During the ride, Maximus tried to check his emails, but every time he attempted to focus, the image of the girl he had just met crept back into his
“SeBaTer? What a strange nickname,” Maximus muttered to himself, leaning back and letting his body relax into the plush seat.
He couldn’t shake the memory of her gray eyes. Digging into his pocket, he pulled out the card she had given him. It had her social media handles printed on it. Maximus had never bothered with social media -he was too busy to waste time on such things. But today, curiosity got the better of him. He quickly typed one of the usernames into his phone.
To his surprise, it was easy to access her profile. The page was full of photos: events, people, places, and things she found intriguing. Slowly, he began scrolling through her posts, piecing together glimpses of her life. It struck him how vibrant and full of adventure her life seemed.
For a moment, he thought of Mary. When she was the girl’s age, she had never ventured beyond mansion. He had been the one to clip her wings as soon as they married.
Then something hit him–the girl’s gaze was identical to Mary’s the first time they met. The realization stunned him. All this time, he had been searching for that same look in every young woman he’d dated, but none of them had it.
As he thought about the girl and compared her to Mary, similarities began to surface. They weren’t identical, of course. The girl’s gray eyes and confident smile set her apart. But the resemblance in their energy and presence was undeniable. It was uncanny that right after seeing Mary again, he had met someone who left him with a strange feeling. ‘Attraction?‘ he wondered, though the word felt too complicated to dwell on.
Shaking off the thought, he closed the app and tried to rest. He wasn’t young anymore, and traveling had begun to tire him out more than he cared to admit Still, his mind buzzed with thoughts of Mary and Marcus Bartz. ‘Why did they end up together? The question lingered as he drifted into sleep.
Meanwhile, the gray–eyed girl stepped out of the airport, where her Aunt Regina was waiting for her.
“Aunt Regina! How are you?”
“Sweetheart! Did your flight get delayed? I thought you were supposed to land over an hour ago.”
“I did, but I stopped to grab a coffee and had a little accident with a guy.
“A guy? Are you okay? What happened?”
“Nothing serious! I was distracted and spilled my coffee on him by mistake.”
“Oh dear! Did he say anything? Was he upset?”
“Well, at first he sounded annoyed, but after a few seconds, his mood shifted. He said a coffee would
Chapter 0170
make it right, so I bought him one. In the end, though, he paid for it.”
“Serenity! You need to be careful! You can’t go making small talk with just anyone. This isn’t Hesperia, and if something happened to you, I can’t imagine what your father would do!”
“Aunt, calm down! It was just a quick conversation while they handed us the coffees, and then he left. That was it.”
“Hmm… changing the subject, though -was the guy handsome?”
“Very! He had this rugged, masculine look,” she laughed, “but I doubt I’ll ever see him again. Madrid is huge, and there are so many people here.”
Despite her confident tone, Serenity couldn’t quite explain the strange sensation she’d felt when she saw him. She decided not to tell her aunt about the lingering hope that he might contact her–even if just to settle the dry–cleaning bill.
“Well, well! You’ve just set foot in Spain, and already a local has caught your eye! I always told your mother you’d love it here,” Regina teased with a sly smile.
“Aunt Regina! No! I’m here to work, not to… whatever you’re thinking!”
“Alright, alright, no need to get worked up! You’re just like your mother, so dramatic,” Regina teased.
“Aunt Regina!” Serenity replied with a smile.
“Let’s head home! You’ll want to freshen up. We’re going out for dinner later. Or are you hungry now?” “No, I’m fine! Let’s go home. I have a week to take photos, and now that I think about it, I haven’t told my parents I’m with you yet. I’ll video call them. Does that work?”
“Of course.
Serenity pulled out her phone and dialed her mom.
“Mom! Hi! I’m with Aunt Regina now!”
“Serenity! You had me so worried. You should’ve called earlier! Was your flight delayed?”
I just distracted her with my chatter,” Regina interjected, covering for her niece. She knew how anxious Valerie could be.
“Exactly! We got caught up talking, but we’re fine now and heading to her place.”
“Hi, Regina! Thanks for taking her in. Serenity, your father isn’t home; he went out to grab something
to eat.
“Mom, that’s what apps are for!”
“I know, but you know your dad. He doesn’t like ordering that was so he decided to go himself. I’m here unpacking and going through some resumes.”
“Okay, Mom. I’ll call you again when we get to Aunt Regina’s house. She’s driving, and I don’t want to distract her.”
“Alright, sweetheart. Buckle up!”
Chapter (170
“I will, Mom!”
“I love you. I miss you already, my baby!”
“I love you too! Bye!”
Hanging up, Serenity leaned back in her seat. She had photos, but a part of her couldn’t help wondering if th
Chapter 0170
“I will, Mom!”
“I love you. I miss you already, my baby!”
“I love you too! Bye!”
Hanging up, Serenity leaned back in her seat. She had a week in Madrid to capture some unforgettable photos, but a part of her couldn’t help wondering if the rugged stranger might cross her path again.
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