Chapter 0203
“Hi, Marcus! Here’s your order!”
“Hey, Noah! Still working this late?”
“Yeah, this is my last delivery. Then I’m heading home.”
“Good. Don’t stay up too late–you’ve got school tomorrow” Marcus said, handing him a large bill.
“I’m in exams now, actually. Just a little longer, and I’ll be on vacation. Anyway, if you need anything else for dinner, let me know!”
“Will do. And let security know it’s just Valerie and me here now.”
“Got it! Hi, Valerie!” Noah called, peeking into the office.
“Hi, Noah!” she replied with a smile.
“Alright, I’m off. Enjoy your dinner!”
“Thanks, Noah! Have a good night!” Marcus called, waving goodbye.
He brought the large pizza box over to the table.
“When Frederick comes back, he’s definitely going to notice some changes in your physique,” Valerie teased with a smirk.
“No, he won’t! Besides, he doesn’t need to know about our little indulgences. You’re in on this too–you can’t say a word. Anything that comes out of here implicates you just as much. Your hands smell like pizza, so you’re already guilty,” Marcus shot back with a grin.
Valerie blinked, momentarily caught off guard. She hadn’t expected him to rape her into his guilty pleasure so casily.
“Come on, eat! The pizza’s going to get cold,” Marcus said, clearly in a good mood.
“Next time, we’re ordering salads like rabbits,” Valerie replied, shooting him a stern look.
“Sure, sure! Now eat already. Complain all you want later, but do it with a full stomach,” he said as he walked over to his mini–fridge to grab a bottle of wine and a couple of glasses.
Valerie watched him quietly, noting how different he seemed now compared to just a few weeks ago. The once distant and cold man now acted like any other human being He was a bit of a glutton, loved pizza, enjoyed wine and the occasional beer, smoked now and then, and listened to loud music in his car. He cared deeply for the one close person in his life, got tired, and sometimes even lazy.
These weren’t things his colleagues would ever see. They only knew the rational Marcus: self–assured, disciplined, and persistent. The man who knew exactly what he wanted and how to handle crises. The man who couldn’t stand being lied to or manipulated.
She smiled, recalling her early days at the company. Back then, she had been terrified of him. His cold, intense gaze felt like it could land on anything she was doing at any moment. As the receptionist, she had no choice but to see him every day. Slowly, she grew accustomed to his hurried presence as he passed by her desk, always swamped with responsibilities, constantly surrounded by people, and always accompanied by Frederick and his entourage.
In those days, she clocked out on time, unaware of how much time Marcus poured into his work. It wasn’t until now, working closely with him, that she began to see the sheer effort he invested in his business.
Chapter 0203
It was almost surreal to think that a year and a half ago, she hadn’t known him at all. Her life had revolved around Serene and herself–bills to pay, milk and diapers to buy, groceries to stock. Her job as a waitress at a popular snack bar had been enough to get by. It allowed her to care for her daughter during the day and work at night, but the pay was nothing compared to her current job,
And the bar had its downsides. There were always patrons who tried to overstep their boundaries. Little by little, Valerie had learned how to stand her ground against the drunken regulars who couldn’t take no for an answer.