Chapter 0228
Valerie tried to hold back her tears, but a flood of emotions and memories overwhelmed her, and she couldn’t stop them. A couple of tears escaped, and she quickly wiped them away under the astonished gaze of her ex–husband. Rising to her feet, she said, “Maximus, stay away from her won’t say it again. And you’re paying the bill!”
Without giving him a chance to respond, she walked out.
The security team accompanying Valerie noticed that what had seemed like a casual meeting had escalated. They were about to step into the café, but their leader decided to inform Bartz first. When Marcus heard his wife was with Maximus, his anger flared. ‘What the hell is that bastard doing with her?‘ He felt the heat of rage surge through him.
Valerie was his wife–she had no business meeting with that man. Delegating his remaining tasks, Marcus immediately left to find her. He was getting into his car when the security team sent him photos. His heart pounded as he scrolled through them.
At first, his wife seemed calm, sipping her coffee and enjoying her usual slice of strawberry cake. Then the
until she pictures showed her talking to Maximus. Gradually, her expression shifted–growing more intense appeared to lose control, yelling at him. The last photo showed her wiping tears from her face.
The head of security informed Marcus that Valerie was on her way home. Marcus realized she needed him and changed course to meet her there.
Meanwhile, Valerie was driving with a massive lump in her throat. She tried to suppress it, but seeing Maximus and revisiting all those memories was overwhelming.
When Valerie arrived home, Marcus was already there. She was startled–she hadn’t expected him back until late at night. “Did he know I saw Maximus?‘ she wondered. His expression wasn’t its usual calm and collected self. In the distance, she heard Serenity’s cheerful voice.
“Dad! What are you doing home so early? Didn’t you say you’d be late tonight?”
“Yes, but I cleared some time and thought I’d come take you two out for lunch. What do you think, love?”
Valerie, still struggling to swallow the knot in her throat, took a moment to respond. “Sure. I am a little hungry.”
Marcus noticed her distracted air but decided to address it later.
The Bartz family headed out to lunch in the center of Westhaven. Marcus held Valerie on one arm and Serenity on the other, feeling fortunate to have such wonderful company. For a moment, he forgot his anger.
Lunch passed without incident. Serenity excitedly shared her plans to visit Paris, explaining that she now understood her mother’s concerns and wanted to involve both parents in her decision.
After a long meal and conversation, they returned home, Serenity headed up to her room on the third floor, leaving her parents in the master bedroom on the first. The distance between the floors ensured that whatever happened on one wouldn’t be heard by the other.
“Valerie, my love,” Marcus said gently, “you seemed a little distant during lunch. How was your day? Did anything interesting happen?”
“Marcus, let’s not beat around the bush. You already know who I saw today, don’t you?”
“My love, when it comes to your safety, I’ll always keep an eye on things. And yes, I know you met with Maximus. It surprised me, I won’t deny it.”
“I had to! I don’t want him anywhere near our daughter! Now he wants to come back into her life, as if nothing
Chapter 0228
happened! That man is still the same idiot he’s always been He hasn’t changed, not even with the years. He still thinks his wife is some kind of saint. It infuriated me! It’s not easy for me to see him waltz into our lives, pretending like nothing happened. It feels like a weight pressing down on my chest.”
Marcus simply listened, pulling his wife into a comforting embrace. The anger he’d felt earlier toward her melted away. He hated seeing her stressed and worried over a problem that could be solved soon. In moments like these, she still reminded him of the frightened young woman she been when they first met again.
“Valerie, you’re not alone. I’m here for you. You don’t have to face these things by yourself, okay? But I do need to ask you something–something non–negotiable. I’ve never forbidden you from anything, never set limits on you, and I’ve always supported your dreams. But this one thing, must insist on: don’t ever see Maximus Palmer again, please.
“My love, I trust you. But I’m only human. I have feelings too, and today they got the better of me when I saw those photos of you with your ex–husband. I won’t lie I felt jealous. Terribly jealous. And I had an overwhelming urge to strangle that man.”
“Marcus, you have no reason to feel that way,” Valerie replied, looking at her handsome husband. She could see how embarrassed he was to admit his jealousy.
She got up from the bed and sat on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. With a tender kiss, she reassured him. He felt the warmth of her affection and the quickened beat of her heart. In that moment, Marcus realized how foolish it had been to doubt her. It was clear that Maximus had no chance of ever winning her back.