Chapter 26
Cat Mendoza:–
“I brought her here for you because I knew you were missing her and needed her behavior from you, daughter.” Alexander growls at his daughter and glared at her.
“Laila, I am so….”
presence, but didn’t expect this type of
“Save it, Cat! I don’t need your sympathies or act as if you care.” Laila snaps her eyespuffy red, and she looked so fragile and thin due to weight loss, The Laila I knew was filled with life and colors, but this one looks lifeless and pale.
This is not the Laila I know and I want her back because I can’t see her suffering like this and as for Jericho I am going to teach him a very good lesson that he won’t even think about ruining any other woman’s life as he did mine and Laila’s. He fucking played with both of us.
“Isn’t what you wanted? To see me in pain and misery because of your hatred towards me because I stole your boyfriend? Guess what? That bastard left me when I needed him the most and all thanks to you, since you didn’t want to see me happy with him.
We were happy. We were so happy when we found out we were going to be parents but then it was snatched away from us, because of your hatred towards us.” Laila cried clutching her belly where once a life was growing inside of her.
Her words were so sharp it felt like she was skewering the beating of my heart. I wanted to argue and wanted to tell her that she is wrong but all I could hear in her voice was pure agony. This was not the time where I could justify for my self, but this was the time where I could at least try to mend her broken heart even if she didn’t want it.
“Laila,” I whispered and immediately felt my tears welling up, “I never hated you. I was hurt, yes. Betrayed by you and Jericho? Absolutely. But I never wished this on you. I never wanted anything bad happening to you or for you to suffer any kind of pain or lose your baby, hell I didn’t even know about the baby.
I know you are in lot of pain right now after losing your baby. A life you were growing up inside of you, and looking forward to meet. No one deserves that, let alone you. And, please don’t stand and give yourself more pain. Your leg needs healing. You shouldn’t be putting pressure on it. I am worried about you, my friend.”
Her eyes were red, swollen with tears; her face expressed only disbelief and look straight into my eyes. “Don’t lie to me,” she ground out in a small voice and went on shouting.
“I am not your friend anymore. You cut your ties from me, remember? I called you. I called you the other day, the same day before I lost my baby. I told you that I needed you and missed you, but you didn’t listen and shut me out once again.”
“I am sorry…I am so so sorry. I didn’t know. I swear I didn’t know about your baby and I was hurt and angry at you. I needed time to get over with what you and Jericho did. Please, let me take care of you. You need company right now.” I cried ” I really do care about you and can’t see you like this.”
“I don’t believe you, Cat.” she snapped harshly at me and groaned in pain, and fortunately sat down after Alexander forced her to sit.
I shook my head and my throat felt constricted. “You don’t to believe me but you will have to accept that what I am saying is true. I never wanted this, Laila. Not for you, not for anyone. Just let me be here for you in your hard time.”
Alexander moved closer, anger and sadness painted all across his face. “Laila enough,” he said firmly. “Your pain hinders you from seeing what is right, you don’t have any reason to treat Cat like this. She came here because she loves you. Because I asked her to. She could have refused to come but she did. For you.
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17:05 Fri, Jan 3 GG
Chapter 26
Why because unlike you, she really does care about you. Besides, why are you blaming her for your actions? She did nothing wrong to you, you did! You betrayed her. Not her so stop acting like a cold person and let her be there for you. Can’t you see how worried she is about you? Knowing very well, how much you hurt her, she is still here for you. Can’t you fucking see that?!”
“I can’t believe you are taking her side over me, dad!” Laila yelled with tears streaming down her eyes “I am your daughter. You should be defending me. Not the other way around. Why are you doing this?”
“I am not doing anything. I am just stating the truth. The truth that you are refusing to see.” Alexander growls “Just calm down and think with cool mind. I know you are in pain, but you need to be strong. You don’t have got any choice but to stay strong and move on with your life. This is not the end of it.
What you went through was just a chapter of your life. Your whole life is waiting ahead of you so forget about everything and embrace the ones who really care about you instead of pushing them away. I didn’t raise a weak daughter. I raised a strong princess, so act like one and fight through this.”
“You can stay, dad. But she has to go. I don’t want her here. Just ask her to leave or I will keep on losing it.” Laila sobbed in Alexander’s arms while I stood there frozen, witnessing how great father Alexander is to Laila and I knew at that moment he is going to be a great father to our baby, but right now I felt hurt due to Laila’s words.
“Laila, you know I can’t do that. Cat has got nowhere over here to live or anyone she knows. You can’t behave like that.” Alexander spoke and i watched Laila tremble.
“Alexander, it’s alright. You stay with Laila. Can you just do me a favor and ask your driver to drop me off to the airport so I can catch a flight back to New York?” I asked, with a forxed smile on my