Chapter 0316
Maximus quickly tore open the envelope, and like Valerie, felt a heavy weight press against his chest. The envelope was eerily similar to the one he had once presented to his ex–wife when he sought answers about Peter’s daughter. As he unfolded the report, his face tumed ghostly pale. It was the same report he had burned and ordered to be erased from all records.
If Maximus was shaken, Marcus was utterly stunned. He had to sit down. The truth was clear, even to someone with no background in genetics.
“Marcus, once upon a time, you spared my life,” Lucius sa, striding toward Leonardo with the envelope containing the same damning results he had just handed to Maximus and Marcus. “Now, I’m giving you something that might be useful to you in the future,”
Valerie watched as her husband’s expression darkened, his gaze fixed on the summary of the results.
“Maximus! What the hell is Lucius talking about?” Leonardo roared, slamming the table with his fist.
Marcus rose from his chair, gripping the report tightly. His eyes flicked to the unmistakable “99.99%” figure printed on the paper. Turning to his beloved wife, he couldn’t hide the storm of thoughts racing through his mind. Valerie looked at him, trembling, trying to take his hand, but Marcus pulled away abruptly. He stood tall and said:
“Lucius, I don’t know what game you think you’re playing, but let me remind you I’m not one for this kind of nonsense,” Marcus growled, his glare piercing Lucius.
up, you fucking Bartz!” Leonardo exploded, his temper snapping, “We’ve put up with your arrogance because you’ve kept our accounts afloat, but I’ve had enough!”
Turning to Maximus and Valerie, Leonardo’s voice shook with restrained fury.
“Maximus, Mary, can you explain these results, or are we going to need to redo the test? Because it’s starting to look like my granddaughter is actually your daughter!”
“No need to redo anything!” Valerie shouted, standing up, her frustration boiling over. “I knew it–you’re nothing but a bunch of vultures. All you care about is money. Maximus, it’s a shame your son has turned out so much like you lot–only interested in destroying everything in his path.”
Maximus froze, his usual composure unraveling. Valerie stormed toward her daughter, whose wide eyes betrayed her shock as she looked between her mother and the man she now realized might truly be her father. She couldn’t process the whirlwind of accusations flying back and forth.
“Mary! Finally, you found your voice!” Leonardo sneered, his gaze cold and venomous.
“Father, leave Mary and Serenity out of this. The right thing to do is to give them what’s rightfully theirs and move on,” Maximus interjected, attempting to shield Valerie.
Leonardo’s fury surged. “Damn it! I’m sick of you! Since you married Alexia, you’ve been nothing but her puppet. You almost destroyed the Palmer legacy, and now you come to us with this?!”
Despite his rage, Leonardo couldn’t ignore the young woman standing before him. Though she bore none of Peter’s features, it was impossible to miss the resemblance between her and Maximus. Father and daughter–it was plain to see.
Without warning, Marcus launched himself at Maximus, landing a punch square on his jaw.
“You bastard! You knew, didn’t you? That’s why you met with my wife yesterday!” Marcus bellowed, grabbing for Maximus’s throat.
Chapter 0316
Valerie’s breath hitched. Marcus had pieced it together. He always did. She had tried to hide what happened yesterday, but now everything was unraveling
“No, Dad!” Serenity screamed, panic evident in her voice.
“Shut your damn mouth!” Marcus shouted, his rage turning on her. “Do you have any idea what your went through to escape this scum? And now you dare to break our pact and show up here, by his side!”
Chapter 0317