Chapter 0342
“That’s still up in the air! Alden wants to contact Marcus Hartz. He says Marcus might have answers about his father. At first, we thought he’d be a terrible man, but Alden did his research–at least as much as he could. Aside from being a good father to Serenity–that’s his sister’s name–Bartz took care of Peter’s estate. Peter’s money was frozen because his father set a clause that Peter’s child had to come forward with a DNA test. Only then would they receive Peter’s share of the company. Alden wants that ”
“Peter’s money?”
“No! He doesn’t need it. He wants to be part of that company. We know it’s no longer what it used to be, but Alden has taken it personally. He wants to inject money into it, bring it back to its glory days. He doesn’t say it outright, but I know he wants to do it for Peter.”
“Okay, okay. But what about Peter’s frozen money?”
That won’t be unfrozen until the children come forward, according to what Darius told me. That’s why he wants get closer to Serenity. Together, they can claim the money and work to pull Palmer Group out of the hole it’s in. uppose Marcus Bartz doesn’t want to see the company fall either. Alden mentioned that Marcus recently started working there. That man doesn’t need to work there, so we assume he’s determined to keep the company from falling into ruin”
“Well, my friend, you all need to be careful. You don’t know what Bartz is like, you don’t know Mary, and if Alexia was capable of doing what she did to Peter, who knows what else she might try.”
“We’re being careful! Alden is good at this—you know that. He’s not stupid. He just wants to be part of something. Sometimes, I feel guilty. I denied him the chance to have a father, and he’s always looked for someone to fill that void. But I didn’t have much luck. No one appealed to me. I couldn’t find a man who loved me the way Peter did, so I preferred to stay alone, taking care of my Alden.”
“Oh, my friend, what can I say? You’re an extraordinary woman, and I admire you. You went through so many hardships, and now look your son lives for you. You’re his priority. Maybe life didn’t bless you with another love, but it gave you a fine young man. He’s a little crazy, but we love him that way. I hope he finds what he’s looking for here. I just hope his sister isn’t an opportunist and doesn’t refuse to share the inheritance with him.”
“I’ve already told you–he doesn’t care about the money. He just wants to feel like part of the family, to feel connected to what his father once was. Every week, Alden visits Peter’s resting place and brings lilies. He doesn’t tell me, but I’m sure he spends a long time there talking to him. He’s mentioned seeing peonies there too, and he assumes it’s Serenity leaving them. But he hasn’t run into her yet.”
After all, Peter had left behind a child. He had never known of Alden’s existence, but soon, this young man–just slightly older than Serenity–would appear and change the course of many things already in motion.
Alden was nearly 24 years old. He was very tall, with fair skin, gray eyes, and thick wavy hair. Those stunning eyes were framed by long, dark lashes, and he had Peter’s charming smile. His body was a masterpiece, just like his father’s. He carried himself with an unmatched elegance, likely inherited from the Palmer family. Some of his features resembled Catherine’s, while others came from Leonardo. There was no doubt that Alden carried Palmer blood in his veins. Without realizing it, perhaps the famous firstborn had finally arrived–the one who would become the pride of the family, everything Lucius would never be.
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