Chapter 0452
After a few minutes, Marcus left the Palmer mansion. Peter sat in his chair, his mind a complete mess. He couldn’t understand how he had managed to stay stoic in such a situation. Deep down, he knew it was only a matter of time before everything blew up in his face. What he didn’t know yet was whether he’d be ready when it happened.
“Peter…” came a voice from behind the door.
“Come in,” Peter replied, pulling himself out of his thoughts.
Theodore entered briskly and took a seat across from him.
“How are you? How did it go?” Theodore asked curiously.
“Fine…” Peter answered, his gaze distant.
“Peter, look at me,” Theodore said firmly.
Peter raised his eyes and gave him a faint smile.
“What’s wrong, my friend? Has Ethan had breakfast?”
“Ethan’s fine. He’s already eaten and is watching cartoons. You know how he is–today’s his day off from homework.”
“Theodore… I need your help finding an apartment. Nothing extravagant, but it should be close to Clearmount.”
“We’re moving?”
“No, it’s not for me–it’s for…” Peter stopped himself before saying the name.
“It’s for Celeste, isn’t it?”
“She’s a wonderful woman, but with all this happening, I don’t know how much time we have before everything explodes. I’m not sure if I want to go through that.”
“Are you thinking of running away? You know Ethan has adapted so well to school–he even has a best friend.”
“That best friend is Jonathan Bartz Hunter…”
“WHAT? How did that happen?”
“I don’t know! I found out recently. With everything going on with Alden and Alexia, I didn’t bother to check who Ethan’s little friend was. I had it looked into and found out that John is Marcus and Mary’s son.”
“We should never have come back here. If you didn’t want that family to know you existed, we never should’ve returned to Valentia,” Theodore said, clearly worried.
“And let Alden handle Alexia alone? No! That’s something have to deal with myself.”
“Wouldn’t it have been easier to do to her what you did to Frank?”
“At the time, I was furious and not thinking straight. Besides, Frank was Marcus’s business. I just returned a little of what he did to me.”
“Did you tell Marcus that your fortune is thanks to Frank?”
“I didn’t see the need to bring him up.”
Chapter 0452
“You spent a long time talking to him. I didn’t hear any shouting or anything. Honestly, that worries me more than if you’d argued.”
“Marcus worries me. He’s carrying a heavy burden of guilt. I’m not sure he’ll be able to keep quiet about me and not tell Mary that I’m alive.”
“Only time will tell. But let’s be honest–Marcus’s a cleyer man. I doubt he’ll want to risk shaking up his marriage. He already has enough to deal with living alongside Maximus without adding another explosive element to the mix.”
“That’s something we can’t be sure of. In the meantime, I need your help with what I asked.”
“Are you finally going to tell me what’s going on?”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m a gentleman, and in case you’ve forgotten, I don’t have my memory…
“Peter! For God’s sake, don’t joke about that! At least tell me something.”
“Today, I remembered three things: first, Maximus and I wanted a dog when we were kids; second, I like coffee with cinnamon; and third, I knew the name of Marcus’s wife, Valentina, and his unborn son was going to be named Peter.”
“Damn it, Peter! We need to see a doctor. This is a huge breakthrough, and you’re only telling me about it now? How did you remember?”
“I still don’t know! The words just came out of my mouth. It felt normal, like it was something I’d always known. But Theodore, it’s just three things. I don’t need a doctor for three things. My past is much more than that…”
Peter took out his phone and saw that it was off. He plugged it in to charge and continued his conversation with Theodore. A few minutes later, the phone powered on, and messages started pouring in. There were emails from the office and messages from Alden, who was traveling and would be arriving that evening. Peter opened the messages from his son. In them, Alden told him that his mother’s surgery had been a success and that she could soon begin rehabilitation. In just a few months, Katherine would be able to walk again.
Peter read the message and let out a sigh. He looked at Theodore and said, “Good news never comes alone, does it, my dear friend?”
“What do you mean? Or who are you talking about?”
“Katherine–she’ll be able to walk again soon.”
“And that’s a problem?”
“For me, it is. You know she and I…”
“You’ve said it a million times–like with Mary, Katherine is your past. If you don’t remember, there’s no point in getting tangled up in it.”
“Yes, but it’s different with her… We have a child together.
“A child who’s already an adult and doesn’t need you hovering over him. At his age, you were already taking care of yourself.”
Peter continued scrolling through his notifications and saw a message that made him smile.
Chapter 0452
“Judging by your face, the good news isn’t over yet.”
“Celeste…” He almost shared what the message said but stopped himself.
He kept browsing his phone and noticed fifteen missed calls from Eliya.
“Theo, I need to make a private call.”
“Alright, alright. If it’s about that young lady, I have no objections.”
Theodore left the study, and Peter immediately dialed Eliya’s number.
“Eliya? What’s going on? You know this number is for emergencies only.”
“Sir, it is an emergency. The missus has refused to eat since you left. I’ve been feeding her intravenously, but we can’t continue like this. A few hours ago, I tried to convince her to eat, but she became hysterical and demanded your presence…‘
“My wife must be having a crisis. Just give her the antidepressants the doctor prescribed.”
“I already did. She’s asleep now, but, sir… she moved her fingers. On her right hand, just a little, but I saw her move.”
“Are you sure about that?”
“Yes! That’s why I dared to call you.”
“Alright, Eliya. Thank you for letting me know. I’ll book a flight and get there as soon as possible.”
Peter ended the call and rubbed his temples. It was midday, and his body ached. He desperately needed a shower, some sleep, and then time to sort out everything that had happened that day.