Chapter 0476
Peter climbed into his truck, and Marcus and Serenity could only watch as the man drove away. Serenity still couldn’t believe everything that had just happened. She was lost in her thoughts when a warm hand took hers.
“Sweetheart… Serenity…” Marcus said nervously.
Serenity turned to him, tears in her eyes.
“I’m sorry, Dad! I didn’t mean to put you through this. You’ve already lived it with Maximus, and now with him. I know it’s not fair to you. I’m so sorry!”
“Serenity, darling, you don’t need to apologize. In fact, I’m the one who should be asking for forgiveness. I saw
face filled with fear. I know that when it came to Maximus, I didn’t handle things well, but the circumstances were different.”
“Serenity, he accepted being your father the moment he knew you were coming into this world. He took you in as his daughter, and I could never take that away from him. Never think I would deny you that right, He is and will always be your father, and so am I, but the circumstances were different”
Serenity continued crying uncontrollably, her heart tom between the only father she had ever known and the one she had always known was hers, the one she never had the chance to meet, the one life had taken from her Seeing his daughter in such a state, Marcus pulled over to the side of the road. He got out of the car, opened the passenger door, and embraced his daughter. She cried like a lost little girl, reminding him of that time her grandfather had tried to take her away. She was a child then, already facing her first battle. Now, she was all grown up, but this was something she wasn’t prepared for.
Serenity, sweetie, try to calm down. I don’t want something worse to happen. Also, we can’t go home like this. Your mom will worry, and we won’t be able to explain what’s going on.”
Serenity understood what he meant. Little by little, she tried to calm herself, practicing the breathing techniques she had seen in a video. She wiped her tears and gave her father a smile. After seeing that she was starting to calm down, Marcus said, “You can see Peter whenever you want, and as long as he allows it. I know he doesn’t want your mother to know about his existence, and I respect his decision, especially now with your mom’s condition. I hope that at some point, he decides to talk to her, but I won’t force him to.
“As for you, my girl, you can seek him out whenever you wish. I can’t stop you from seeing him and building a relationship with him. In the end, he will always be your father.”
Serenity looked at him with her beautiful gray eyes and hugged him tighter. She knew how difficult those words were for her father, but she admired his reaction.
Once Serenity had calmed down a little, they decided it was time to head home. They would come up with a convincing excuse on the way for being so late.
[Meanwhile in Seaforth]
Peter’s mind was in chaos, and it wasn’t just because he had run into Serenity. There was something more going on, his mind kept sending him signals, but he couldn’t figure out what. For a moment, he considered going home to rest, but he wasn’t at peace. He didn’t want to drive such a long distance, but he really wanted the calm that Celeste could give him. So, driving with a bit more caution, it was nearly midnight when he finally arrived at her apartment
He hesitated for a moment, but he was already there and only wanted to see her. He sighed and decided to ring the bell. Celeste was already in bed, having had a long day. She was grateful that Peter had sent his driver to take her home because it allowed her to get home, take a bath, and go to bed.
Chapter 0476
Between dreams, Celeste heard the doorbell ring. She thought it was part of a dream, but when it rang again, she woke up and waited for it to ring again to make sure it wasn’t a dream. The bell rang for a third time. She got up and went to open the door. When she opened it, she saw the back of a man walking down the hallway.
“Peter? What are you doing here at this hour? Celeste asked, surprised.
As soon as Peter heard her voice, he immediately turned around. His heart raced, and in less time than Celeste could have imagined, he was standing right in front of her. His strong arms wrapped around her, and his lips found hers.
Chapter (77