Gud Wife 501

Gud Wife 501

Chapter 0501 

+25 BONUS 

Laura’s life had changed drastically in the two months since she transferred to Clearmount College. She had started dating Adrian, and Maximus had made several attempts to meet the young man who was courting his daughter. But fateor excuseskept getting in the way. When Maximus was available, Adrian had extracurricular activities. When Adrian was free, Maximus was traveling. It seemed the universe was conspiring to keep them apart

Laura, naive and inexperienced in matters of the heart, had been deeply affected by the truth about her brother Lucius. Since the revelation, he had ceased all contact with her, and it hurt deeply. Regardless of who her father was, Lucius was her brother, and she had loved him with all her heart. He was the only one who had ever shown her kindness as a child, unlike her parents, who had always been distant

Laura’s naivety made her vulnerable, especially with Leonardo subtly offering her as a potential future bride. She unknowingly played into this plan. Adrian Brown owed much to his family, and an arranged marriage didn’t seem like a bad idea to him. Laura was beautiful and compliant, and he was successfully winning her over. They had even crossed a significant thresholdone that proved how much Laura cared for him

Adrian, who had been dating Laura for only a short time, managed to coax her into giving him the socalled proof of love.She hesitated but eventually caved after considering how all her former classmates were no longer virgins. Her timidity had always set her apart. At her new school, being Adrian’s girlfriend gave her a certain status. Adrian Brownthe rebellious, attractive boy every girl wantedhad chosen her. Out of all the girls he could have dated, he had picked the girl who felt invisible


After a few days of contemplation, Laura decided to go through with it. She reasoned that she was only days away from turning 18 and could make her own decisions. Besides, her father had already had the talkwith her. What could possibly go wrong

Adrian meticulously planned their perfect dateflowers, movie, a romantic dinner, and finally, the much- anticipated intimate moment. Laura was terrified when she saw him undressed for the first time. Though she had watched intimate scenes in movies, nothing had prepared her for the reality. Despite her sexual education classes, she didn’t know what to expect, what she would feel, or how to protect herself. She carried a condom in her purse. but never used it

Their first encounter led to several more. Maximus began noticing changes in Laura’s demeanor. Something in her eyes had shifted, but he couldn’t figure out what. He repeatedly asked if she was okay or if something was bothering her, but her answers didn’t satisfy him. His growing workloadfrom his alliance with his brother and covering for Theodore due to Peter’s girlfriend’s accidentleft him with little time to be at home

When Laura’s period didn’t arrive on schedule, her phone’s app reminded her of the missed date. She nervously mentioned it to Adrian, who dismissed her concerns, saying it was likely just a reaction to their recent activities.It doesn’t mean you’re pregnant,he assured her. It’s probably just your body adjusting. His words comforted her, for a while

Days later, she noticed a faint sign that her period might start, but it never fully came. As time passed, she began experiencing unusual symptoms: frequent trips to the bathroom, hip pain, excessive fatigue, and an overwhelming need to sleep

Maximus grew worried about his daughter’s lethargy and made an appointment with their trusted family doctor, Fred Zanley. A longtime friend, Fred had known Maximus for years. Maximus suspected that Laura might be battling depression from her mother’s death or perhaps a vitamin deficiency. He blamed himself for being absent due to his travels

Maximus and Laura arrived punctually at the doctor’s office, where Fred greeted them warmly

Hello, my dear friend! It’s been so many years since we’ve seen each other,Fred said, smiling


+25 BONUS 

Chapter 0501 

Hello, Fredyes, it’s been far too long.Maximus replied 

And this must be the daughter you mentioned last night?” 

That’s right!Maximus confirmed

Hello, young lady. What’s your name?Fred asked, turning to Laura

Laura. My name is Laura,she said shyly

Lovely to meet you, Laura! You’re truly beautiful,Fred said kindly, then turned to Maximus. Maximus, you’ve got a knack for making beautiful children.” 

Maximus chuckled, embarrassed but proud. It was trueLaura was stunning, and Serenity only reinforced that sentiment

Well, let’s get started,Fred said. This will probably just be a routine checkup. It might be the change in environment or school causing some minor stress you haven’t noticed. I’ll ask you some routine questions to create your medical file, okay?” 

Sure,Laura replied

Fred began the usual inquiriesfull name, age, marital status. He recorded her weight, height, and temperature. Then came more sensitive questions Laura would have preferred to answer without her father in the room

Chapter 0502 

Gud Wife

Gud Wife

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
Gud Wife


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