Chapter 0513
Marcus rested his elbows on the desk and buried his face in his hands, frustration coursing through him.
“How long have you known?”
“You’re confirming it for me now. I just needed to verify my suspicions.”
“Camille, please… don’t say anything about this.”
“Why, Marcus? Why are you keeping this secret for that man? If he didn’t have the courage to approach her years ago, why should you have to carry this burden too?”
“It’s complicated….”
“No, Marcus. By lying to your wife about something this serious, you’re betraying her trust as well. I know Valerie’s a bit sensitive right now, but she’s strong. You need to tell her the truth. Don’t take on guilt that isn’t yours. If that man doesn’t have the will to speak to her, that’s on him, not you. But you—this is your responsibility.
“Valerie’s pregnant. Don’t you think news like this would hurt her?”
“Let me ask you something. Do you even know your wife? She’s as strong as a tree. Do you not remember that she was alone for years? You weren’t always there for her. You came back into her life when Palomita was two and a half. How do you think she managed those years without you?
“I saw her when the baby was six months old. Do you think her world fell apart because she was completely alone? She still managed to push forward. She was young back then and, sure, she wasn’t used to the real world after living a life without financial worries. But she worked, raised her daughter alone, and stood strong. She didn’t have a mother, aunt, or friend to lean on. Wasn’t she mature and strong enough even then?”
“Yes, but-”
“No ‘buts,‘ young man! You need to think about how to unburden yourself and tell her the truth, or it’s going to blow up in your face. As for Emma and me, don’t worry. We’re old, not gossips. We won’t meddle in what’s between you and Valerie.”
“Camille… should I be honest with you?”
“Yes, talk to me.”
“I’m scared! She’s already seen him twice. Even though she doubts what she saw, I’ve seen her reaction, and I’m terrified she’ll leave me. I’m afraid she’ll forget everything we’ve built and leave me. Peter was her great love. Without him, Valerie and I would never have met.” Marcus’s voice cracked, his face showing raw vulnerability.
“Marcus… my dear…” Camille said, her voice heavy with nostalgia.
She approached and hugged him. The strong, imposing man now seemed small and fragile. Though not her son by blood, Marcus had always cared for her and her daughters, and she had come to think of him as one of her own. Seeing him like this broke her heart.
“First of all, you need to understand that what happened between Valerie and Peter was a long time ago. Yes, seeing someone who looks like him stirs up old feelings, but that doesn’t mean she’ll throw away 15 years of marriage and four children for a fleeting illusion that lasted four months.
“My Valerie loves and adores you. But she and that man need closure for what they shared. He disappeared suddenly, and she never had the chance to say goodbye properly.
“Even if he had lived, her life wouldn’t have been good with him—not because he wouldn’t have provided for her,
Chapter 0513
but because of what we now know: that Palomita is Maxims’s daughter. Can you imagine how many complications they would’ve faced? Not to mention the issue of his brother’s wife. That relationship would never have survived. My girl would’ve suffered, and even if he were still alive, the outcome wouldn’t have changed.”
In Camille’s arms, Marcus could only listen to the wisdom her words. She might be right–or she might not- but one thing was clear: he couldn’t carry this truth alone any longer.
It was time to be honest with his wife. But first, he needed to speak with Peter. Even if Peter resisted Valerie knowing the truth, Marcus realized it was worse to continue hiding such a painful secret.
Whatever happened next, Marcus was ready to face it. He just hoped it wouldn’t destroy the life they had built together.
Chapter 0514