Chapter 0517
“Stop! Stop it! Calm down!” Peter shouted, holding Marcus back with all his strength.
A stray punch escaped Marcus’s struggle, smashing into the window of Maximus’s car. The glass cracked, and Marcus’s hand began to bleed.
“Enough!” Peter bellowed.
“You’re a damned bastard!” Marcus shouted. “Why, Peter? Why don’t you have the guts to go to Mary? Why didn’t you have them 12 years ago? Why did you suddenly show up now to ruin everything?”
“Marcus… please, stop!” Peter said, his voice strained as he kept his grip on his old friend. “I won’t let you go until you calm down. You know me. You know what I’m capable of. You and I aren’t so different–remember that. Fighting won’t solve anything!”
For a moment, Marcus seemed to stop struggling. Peter, thinking he’d succeeded in diffusing the situation, began to loosen his grip. But as soon as he did, Marcus delivered a hard blow to his stomach, followed by another punch to his face. Peter stumbled back, his calm demeanor crumbling.
When Marcus raised his fist again, Peter snapped. Lunging at him, he tackled Marcus to the ground, pinning him down and landing two hard punches to his face. The restraint Peter had maintained was gone, replaced by the anger Marcus had ignited.
The fight spiraled out of control. The two men, once like brothers, were now attacking each other with all their strength. Marcus, blinded by fury, didn’t notice the storm brewing in Peter. For his part, Peter still tried to hold back, knowing fully well that escalating things further would only make matters worse.
Even as he defended himself, Peter was painfully aware of one truth: Marcus could have ended this fight at any moment. A single call to his bodyguards, and Peter wouldn’t stand a chance. This was Marcus’s way of venting his rage, and Peter knew it.
But then Peter’s voice broke through the chaos, raw and filled with years of suppressed pain.
“You think this was easy for me? Do you?”
Marcus froze, caught off guard by Peter’s sudden outburst,
“Do you think I wanted to come back from the dead and see you with my woman? Do you think I wanted to see photos of you and her making love? Goddamn it, Marcus!
“Do you think I chose to disappear? I loved her! I would’ve given my life for her!
“I fought to recover, to get back to her!
“You’re not the only one suffering here! You don’t know what I’m feeling right now!
“My memories are coming back, Marcus! And yes, I’m dying to go see her. I’m dying to hold her, to kiss her, to make love to her.
“She was mine! But you know what? I don’t do it.
“I don’t go to her. I don’t show up in front of her.
“And you know why? Because of you! You stupid son of a bitch–because of you!
“Believe it or not, I still consider you my friend. I don’t want to hurt you. I’ve stayed out of your life. I’ve stayed away from her. I know I need to close that chapter of my life.
Chapter 0517
“But Goddamn it, Marcus, it’s killing me!”
Peter’s voice echoed through the empty parking lot, his words filled with raw, unfiltered anguish. The silence that followed was deafening. Both men were breathing hard, their bodies tense, their emotions laid bare.
Peter walked closer to Marcus, his face still tense from their fight.
“Are you done?”
“No,” Marcus growled, his chest heaving, “but I want answers. In private. Let’s get out of here.”
“Fine,” Peter said, his tone clipped.
The two men walked toward the parking lot, their movements heavy with unspoken tension. Peter led the way to Maximus’s car, thinking they could have a brief conversation. He even intended to offer Marcus a drink to settle his nerves. But the conversation veered into dangerous territory almost immediately.
Peter leaned against the car, still catching his breath from the earlier brawl.
“I’m not doing this for you or Valerie. I’m doing it for those babies she’s carrying,” Peter began, his voice sharp and resolute. “After Celeste is discharged, I’m leaving for Slovenia. There’s nothing left for me here. Besides, it’s closer to Switzerland…”