Chapter 151 

She didn’t want to think about our exmate

Meredith gave me a knowing grin before looking away. To know that Raizel had cared so much about Meredith’s approval spiked an unfamiliar wave of pride in my chest. My heart swelling with affection over the man who held me in such high regard. Pride at the fact he was now mine just as 

much as I was his

I felt a steak of warmth filter through me. An involuntary smile inching across my face

Uhoh. Guys, I think Alpha broke. We broke her. Ah fuck, its just like last year-” 

I told him.” 

It’s almost funny how I could hear everyone’s head snap in my direction. Noah’s eyes are wide open, his jaw hanging loose as Isaac shares his expression. Isaac’s eyebrows have rose so high it almost touched his hairline. I might’ve spared a laugh or two if the conversation was anything but this

What the fuck?” 

It’s Noah who speaks first. He sounds exasperated. Seemingly breathless from the shock. His wolf who was sitting on its hind legs ever so slowly titling his head to the side like he couldn’t comprehend what I’d said. As if it was beyond the realm of reality

I told him about my rejection.” 

It’s silent for a while. No one saying a thing about what I had just told them until Mailia whispers

You told him everything?” 

I shake my head

Only that my mate rejected me.” 

Another wave of silence goes by. No one says anything, no one looks at each other. They all take

moment to soak it in. Mailia suddenly walks over to me, sitting on the armrest as she wraps an arm 

around my shoulder. Pulling me in a tight embrace, I see a large smile on her face

He’s a good man.” 

She says with finality. No one needs to question if the conversation had ended well. It’s pretty 


Forsaken by My Alpha: The Regret That Came Too Late 



obvious with the way Raizel and L. parted

The knee buckling kiss

He is.” 

1 respond

It’s almost embarrassing the way I sighed out those two words. Like a lovesick fool on cloud nine. Though I know none of them would judge me for it, it’s still a little overwhelming to feel so much for someone. Someone who wasn’t my mate but was better in every way possible

Well, now we know for sure Williams dragged Alpha Locksworth in this for a reason.” 

Isaac shakes his head a grin

I’m just glad I get front row tickets for the show.” 

I roll my eyes. Of course that’s what he thinks about. I was about to tell him that now wasn’t the time to murder Alpha’s, but Noah’s horrid Noooo!stops me. We all look at him who is now hunched over his knees, his face buried in his hands. Slowly, he peels himself off the comfort of his palms and 

stare at us in horror

I won’t get any of the action. I’m pack ridden!” 

He grumbles, a look of devastation crossing his face. Mailia gives her mate a sympathetic look before pausing. Realization dawns on her that she too, won’t be seeing anything, and just like her mate, she goes on with the dramatics and just flings herself at him. They hold each other, muttering something about the cruel, cruel worldwhen a cough brings them out of their exaggeration

Isaac chews on his lip

I can film it for you.” 

Noah sniffles, pressing a kiss on Mailia’s forehead before looking up at Isaac like he was a gift sent 

from the Heavens above

You’re a true friend, Isaac.” 

Noah cries, moving toward his friend and grasping shoulder

But of course, Nate.” 

Fuck you.” 


Forsaken by My Alpha: The Regret That Came Too Late 


I want you to take the test again.” 

Meredith looks at me softly, Gray strands falling over her face as she tucks them back Isaac, Mosh and Mailla were downstairs alerting the pack border officers about Raizel’s arrival. All of them choosing to go all at once mostly to give Meredith and I time to talk. They noticed Meredith’s quietness, the tension her body language was reading. Much like her, her wolf was also brooding about something. A confused whine spouting from her as she laid on her stomach


I asked

The Sacred Pool” 

At this, I couldn’t mask my surprise. I spin my chair to face her direction, my eyes wide and unsuspecting to her sudden request. She wanted me to take the test again? Why on earth would she want me to do it? It was completely unnecessary the first time, and now a second time? It’s just be a waste of time


She lets out a small breath. Her hands grasp onto the armrests of her chair before she pushes herself off. Standing tall with the aura of an Alpha, she wipes her face of any emotion. Her hands clasp together, her eyes regarding me with such seriousness that i honestly don’t know what to do with myself. There’s a slight movement of her head. A little nod at me. So, I stand. I stand and walk slowly toward her. Each step feeling like I was getting hotter and hotter in finding out what was going on



Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English



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