Chapter 24
His aura no longer took its effect on me. I was far too clouded with the impulse of impaling him with my claws to take notike of the murderous looks he threw me. In a nanosecond, he sling himself at me and withdrew his hands back to grab me bloodied claw swiped at my arm, a hiss leaving my lips when he grazed me enough to break skin. I raised my leg, kirking at his waist with hard force. I heard a painful creak sound from his body. Draxyn snarled. His eyes dropped to his scratches and the place I kicked him at:
He was angry.
ssure I left a bruise there but it wasn’t enough to break a bone. I had no prior training skills. I was relying solely on basie
Animalistic, primal instincts.
Draxyn didn’t waste another minute before launching his other attack on me but I managed to deflect it. I moved aside before he could reach me. Peeking over to Lila, blood was beginning to pool around her. She laid there, coughing out blood as she cred silently. Her head turned to the side to watch me. Her eyes were already starting to droop. She didn’t have much tim left. Tightening down on my jaw, I faced Draxyn head on ignoring my wolf’s barks to stall. She was guiding me. Telling me what to do
She told me to push harder.
And so I did.
With everything I had. I slid over the ground and managed to trip him. He fell hard on the floor, not having enough time to regain his composure when I straddled him. I snaked my arms around his neck, my legs secured around his waist and tightened my hold. My broken arm hurt so much, a sense of fire burning through my tissues at the feel. Draxyn stirred around violently. He elbowed me in my stomach forcing my hold to loosen but I grabbed hold of his hair and forced his head against the ground multiple times.
Slamming his skull down with more force each time, his body weakened. He went limp. Some blood poured out of his head Unconscious but not dead. The sound of footsteps quickly advancing broke me out of my bloodlust trance. Help was on the way. Help for him that is. Getting off of him, 1 limped my way to Lila, carefully pulling her in arms and tried not to cry at her gaping wounds. The pain of my broken arm, soon forgotten about. Her face had paled, lips shaking and turning blue.
She was dying.
She whimpered, squeezing my shirt in her fist. Swallowing. I forced a smile on my face as I looked down at her. The facade 1 forced on my face trembling, no matter how hard I tried to keep it straight
“Yes, baby?”
Running down the exit, I forced the exhaustion trying to overtake me out of my head. My body willed me to take a rest. My eyelids losing the strength to keep them open. Shaking off my tiredness, I but down on my lip to stimulate pain. But it wasn’t enough Against everything I had, I prayed so desperately to the Moon Goddess. To the Moon Goddess who’d ignored all my prayers before. I begged her to take my life instead of Lila’s. I begged her to listen to my pleas and spare the innocent child’s life. I knew that it was idiotic but I had nothing else I could’ve done. Nothing else I could offer.
“I’m scared.”
She whispered. Lila sobbed, eyes glassy with tears. Her little fingers curling around my shirt.
Chapter 21
“Mama“. I’m scared.”
My heart broke. The composure I tried to maintain breaking as my own tears broke through. Kissing her forehead, I set fr down, ripping my shirt to wrap around her wound. Her blood quickly soaked through it. Negative thoughts filled my one by one: telling me she wouldn’t make it, telling me it was my fault for being too weak, telling me that I failed her everyone else.
“S Sweetheart, you have to hold onto it, okay?”
I took her hands in mine and laid it over her wound. She winced, crying harder at the pain. She barely shook her head before I pressed them against her wounds harder. Scooping her up in my arms. I ran forward. I couldn’t keep count of how much d past. I could only hear her heartbeats slowing down. I was losing time. Lila’s warm blood dripped down my arms
Silddenly. I remembered one more thing.
Throwing my pride, anger, humiliation, betrayal away, I reached out to him.
He didn’t have a wall up.
I began to feel hopeful. My wolf howled, feeling Landon’s wolf perk at our attempt at communication. A burst of happiness swelling in my chest but it came down all too quickly. Like a metal wall suddenly clamping down, he blocked us out the moment he felt me call for him. And not a minute later, excruciating pain shot up at my neck. I felt like I was being skinned alive. My knees bucked, my body falling over to the ground once more. I tried to go on to the bond, slamming everything I had frantically agaisnt his walls.
Chapter 251
Chapter 25