Chapter 618
Chapter 618
Francesca sobbed, her voice filled with despair. “Andrew…ve said everything. You still won’t accept me? Do you just want to watch me die? Or… is it because you don’t care about me at all?”
Andrew quickly shook his head. “No, Fran, you’re wrong. I would never let you die.”
“Then give me what I need!” Francesca cried out, her voice cracking with desperation. “I can’t take it anymore, Andrew! I’d rather die than go through this torture!”
Andrew hesitated, his heart softening at the sight of her tear–filled eyes and pained expression. He knew he could not drag this out any longer–he had to act.
“Alright, Fran… but brace yourself. It might hurt a little.”
Francesca’s flushed face brightened with a gentle, relieved smile. “Andrew… I trust you. I’m not afraid. Just… give me what I need,” she whispered softly.
Andrew carefully laid her on the bed and reached out, his heated hands making contact with her trembling body. Francesca let out a quiet, kitten–like whimper. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, her agony melted away, replaced by waves of soothing warmth and gentle release.
Meanwhile, at Bane’s mansion, Simon was dragged inside like a limp, lifeless body.
Michael glanced at him and spoke casually. “Well, the swelling’s gone down. Looks like he’s going to be okay!”
Bane crossed his arms and snorted. “His life may be spared, but… his manhood is destroyed. Permanently.”
Michael’s eyes widened in horror. “Wait, what? But we found a sow at the pig farm, didn’t we? I thought that worked!”
Bane sighed heavily. “The excess energy was released, which kept him alive. But you don’t understand how the body works. The essence we’re born with is finite–nurtured over the years through careful balance and development.”
He continued, “This time, Simon’s vital gate was shattered causing his entire reserve to flood out like a broken dam. The ‘reservoir‘ is bone dry now. And when a reservoir dries up… well, the fate for the fish inside is sealed.”
Michael shivered. “Damn… Andrew is ruthless. He didn’t just hurt Simon–he destroyed him.”
At that moment, Simon stirred, groaning as he slowly regained consciousness. Bane leaned in, his expression cold. “Simon, how are you feeling?”
Simon coughed weakly and spoke in a strained voice. “The pain’s gone… but I feel completely drained. I can’t move a muscle.”
“Of course, you can’t,” Bane scoffed. “You’re practically a cripple now. You’ll need at least two weeks of rest before you can walk again.”
Simon’s eyes widened in panic. “Wait… what about my… you know… down there? Is it… still okay?”
Bane’s face twitched slightly before he sighed. “It’s still there. The poison’s gone. But Simon… you should prepare yourself.”
Simon’s body tensed, a deep sense of foreboding washing over him. “Prepare for what? Don’t scare me like this, Mr. Eslinger!”
Bane looked at him with pity. “Your manhood is useless now. Sure, it’s still attached, but it’s shriveled and dead inside–just a flaccid husk. It’s lost all function and sensation.”
“No… that can’t be true!” Simon gasped, his mind reeling. “You’re lying! You’re wrong! This can’t be happening!” Bane shook his head solemnly. “You know my skills, Simon I don’t make mistakes like this. It’s dead tissue now- a liability connected to your body.”
He added, “My advice? Have it removed. It’ll prevent infection and further complications. Think about it–clean and simple.”
Simon’s eyes widened in horror as he stared blankly at the ceiling. His mind snapped under the weight of Bane’s words and roared, “No! I won’t do it!”
His body convulsed as the shock overwhelmed him, and within seconds, Simon collapsed into unconsciousness.