Chapter 121
I was restless, angry all the time, but I hadn’t been able to think clearly
about any of it. When I saw Carlos and Odette‘ together, the anger inside me erupted, and we fought.
I didn’t want to see Carlos anymore, not with the way I was feeling, so I left. I traveled, thinking it would help me clear my head. But looking back, I realized it had all been part of Merhold’s plan. Every move I made, every decision, had been manipulated.
Merhold had been insistent that he knew me, that we had met before. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t remember him. I didn’t recognize his face, his voice. Nothing. I felt empty, as if pieces of my memory were missing. Desperate for an answer, I asked Tina, “Tina, why can’t I remember him? Why does everything feel so… wrong?”
Tina responded in her usual, steady voice, “I’m face–blind, Doris. I can’t recognize faces. unless I can smell them”
I closed my eyes and tried to block out everything. It was all too much. I missed Cyrus so much it hurt. Would he be strong enough to carry on without me? I had always thought I was the strong one, the one who held everything together, but now I wasn’t sure.
Carlos would be okay, I thought. He would be strong. He would have the support he needed. I had to believe that. But thinking about it all, I felt my heart soften. I wasn’t the same. person I had been in front of Merhold.
Tina’s voice interrupted my thoughts. “Carlos’s wolf is upset,” she said gently. “They are trying so hard to save you. You need to be s
Doris. You can’t give up now.”
Her words were like a lifeline, and I clung to them, trying to push away the sadness threatening to overtake me. But just as I leaned back against the wall, a noise broke the silence, the sound of footsteps approaching.
I opened my eyes and saw a figure standing in the doorway. She wore a cloak, and her face was hidden beneath a wide–brimmed hat. She stood still, staring at me with cold, calculating eyes. I felt a chill as her gaze locked onto mine.
The moment seemed to stretch on forever. I was frozen, unsure of what to do or say. Then,
“Gaving Up My First Love For Secret Research Second Chance at Happiness.
hapter 2
finally, I managed to speak. “Sienna? Is that you?”
The figure slowly removed her cloak, revealing a twisted grin. “My dear sister,” she said, her voice sharp and filled with malice. “You are a difficult bitch. Everywhere I go, you come to fight me for men!”
I could feel Sienna’s eyes burning into me as she stood across the room.Her face twisted with anger and pain, but beneath it, there was something else. A deep, almost unbearable resentment. The hatred in her gaze was sharp, like a knife aimed right at me.
I had seen that look before, back when we were children, but today it was different. Today,
it felt more like a cry from someone who had lost everything and didn’t know how to cope
with it.
Her voice cracked as she spat venomously, “You ruined my life, Doris! Everything! You ruined everything!”
I stayed still, my body unmoving, not even my hands twitching. I had heard it all before, her constant blaming, her endless complaints, her desperate need to make me the villain in every story. But this time, it was different.
Her anger shifted to bitterness. “You always had everything. Nathan loves you. Mum loves. you. Everyone loves you. What about me, Doris? What do I have? Nothing! Nothing but
this… this misery!”
“You’ve been jealous of me since we were kids, haven’t you?” I said coldly. “Jealous of Nathan’s attention, of Mum always favoring me, of Dad protecting me from the darkness of this world. You hated that I had friends everywhere, that people loved me. You wanted it all, but you never earned it.”
Sienna’s face twisted in rage. “I didn’t want this! You think I wanted to be like this? You think I wanted to end up disfigured, with steel spikes in my bones, living in pain every day? No, Doris! This is your fault! Your perfect life slipped through my fingers, and all you did
was watch!”
I stood silent, my gaze cold. “You made your own choices, sienna. Everything you’ve become, you did it to yourself.”
“You wanted Nathan’s wealth. You wanted his life, his power. You never cared about
“Giving Up My First Love For Secret Research Second Chance at Happiness
anything but what I had. And now look at you. You wanted it all, but you didn’t want to pay the price.”
Sienna’s eyes blazed with fury. “You think this is all about money and power? It’s about everything I’ve lost. Everything I could never have because of you!”
“No.” I said sharply. “You ruined your life, Sienna. You chased after things you couldn’t have and betrayed everyone, including Nathan. You chose this path.”
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