Chapter 0108
“Peter, I…”
“Let’s go back to the house. You shouldn’t walk too far especially on sand–It’s heavy on your legs and could strain the baby,” Peter said gently.
The two began their slow walk back to the house. Peter held her hand firmly, making sure she didn’t stumble.
“Well, now I need to take extra good care of you! Pregnancy isn’t something to take lightly. Tomorrow, we’ll visit a doctor to check on this little one,” he said, placing his hand lightly on her stomach.
Mary was surprised by Peter’s reaction. Of all the possible scenarios, she hadn’t expected this. She had planned to work until her pregnancy began to show, save up, and eventually search for her grandfather. Now, everything was different. She had to think for three, and love wasn’t part of the equation.
She glanced at Peter and felt conflicted. It wasn’t fair for him to take on so much. He wasn’t the father, and it felt wrong for him to shoulder the responsibility for her and her baby.
“Come on, hop on my back! You can’t climb all those stairs like this–you’re being irresponsible,” Peter teased, pointing at her belly.
“Peter…” she said, blushing. “You don’t need to do all this for me.”
“Mary, I’ve already told you–I want to be in your heart. I love you. The fact that you’re pregnant doesn’t make me love you any less. I know the child isn’t mine, and I know whose it is, but that doesn’t matter. I want to be their father.”
“But what about you? Don’t you deserve someone without my complications? I only bring problems.”
“Mary, love doesn’t work like that. You’re not the only one with a complicated story. I love you, and I accept everything that comes with you. I’m ready to be a father. If you’re worried about people knowing the baby isn’t mine, no one else has to know. It can be our secret.”
“Peter, I didn’t expect you to react like this…” she said, tears streaming down her face. “I was so foolish. I should never have left.”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself. We all make mistakes when we’re young. The key is not repeating them. If I told you all the crazy things I did at your age, you’d be shocked!” Peter said, holding her face in his hands before kissing her.
That kiss–it was like the many others he’d given her when they lived together. It made her knees weak.
“Let’s go have dinner. From now on, you can’t skip meals. We need to take care of this little one,” Peter said warmly.
“Peter, please don’t treat me like this. I feel guilty when I see how kind you are.”
“Shhh, enough of that. After dinner, we’ll find a good doctor and make sure we can get an appointment tomorrow. You’ve been through so much–we need to make sure the baby is okay.”
Chapter 0100
Hand in hand, they returned to the house. They ate dinner, and Peter escorted her to her room, waiting until she’d finished her bath before tucking her into bed.
“Remember, I love you. Keep that in mind, and don’t even think about running away. If you do, I’ll track
down and bring you back. You’re not a young girl anymore, Mary–you have to think for two now,” Peter said, planting another kiss on her lips. “Now rest. It’s been a long day, and you need sleep.”
His words, as if reading her mind, and the warmth of his kiss brought her a sense of calm she hadn’t felt all day. Lost in her thoughts, she slowly drifted off to sleep.
Chapter 0100