Chapter 0115
While several pieces were shifting in Valeria, Peter was taking Mary to her first appointment with the gynecologist in Galea.
“Hello, Miss Preston, Mr. Palmer! You must be the one who called me at 12:00 am., 2:00a.m., 7 multiple times after that, correct?”
, and
“Hello, Dr. Andrew Roman. Yes, that was me. I had so many questions about the pregnancy that I couldn’t sleep.”
Mary was surprised to learn that Peter had been researching pregnancy and had already arranged an appointment with such a reputable doctor.
“Dr. Roman, I had a blood test three weeks ago, and it came back positive, but the technician said it was very early,” Mary explained.
“Miss Preston, as your husband mentioned in his midnight emails, if the conception is recent, the baby is still very small. However, it’s important to start monitoring things early. I’ll prepare to draw a blood sample and perform an ultrasound to determine the gestational sac size.”
Peter’s face turned red. He hadn’t expected the doctor to reveal his late–night emails so quickly. But after deciding to take care of Mary and her baby, he had panicked about how to properly care for a pregnant woman. Determined not to fail, he had spent hours searching for a good doctor and reading articles about pregnancy, which left him with plenty of questions.
“Alright, please relax and take a deep breath. Just a little prick, and I’ll take a bit of blood. This will help confirm the pregnancy,” the doctor said.
Instinctively, Mary reached for Peter’s hand. He took it firmly and reassured her, “Relax, everything will be fine. Remember, I love you.”
Those last words made Mary blush, but they also distracted her enough that she didn’t even notice when the needle was removed.
A few minutes later, the doctor returned with the results.
“Congratulations! You’re going to be parents. You’re about four weeks along. It’s still very early, but there’s a one–week margin of error for now.”
Peter, who had been standing, placed his hands on Mary’s shoulders and bent down to kiss her cheek. Whispering in her ear, he said, “Congratulations, beautiful. You’re going to be the most stunning mom in all of Galea.”
“Well, I imagine you’d like to see the baby. Let’s do an ultrasound. At this stage, you’ll only see a tiny sac, but it’s essential to monitor everything carefully.”
Peter helped Mary onto the bed for the ultrasound. The doctor started scanning and quickly found the gestational sac, a small black circle.
“Look, there’s your baby! It’s tiny, but it’s there. I’ll also give you a requisition for some routine tests to rule out any complications.”
Chapter 0115
After leaving the gynecologist’s office, Mary still couldn’t believe she was pregnant. She had just finalized her divorce from the baby’s father, who alreally had another child on the way. She didn’t know the timeline, but she knew it was close.
“Peter, can we sit on a bench?” Mary asked, feeling a bit embarrassed and dizzy.
It was too much emotion all at once.
“Of course! Are you feeling unwell? Do you want to go back to the hospital? I can carry you there!”
“Peter… My head is spinning. I just signed the divorce papers, and…” Mary trailed off as tears rolled down her cheeks.
“Beautiful, I’ve already told you–you’re not alone. I’ll be here with you,” Peter said gently.
“This isn’t fair to you,” Mary said, her voice trembling
“Let me make one thing clear, Mary,” Peter said, crouching in front of her so they were eye to eye. “I love you. I don’t care what’s happened. I know this isn’t easy, and life isn’t always fair, but I’ve learned to live with that. I’m not going anywhere just because things didn’t turn out the way they were supposed to.”
Seeing her tears, Peter added, “I don’t like seeing you like this. You need to calm down. Last night, I read that crying isn’t good for the baby, so fewer tears, please,” he said in a playfully stern tone.
Peter was dressed casually today, but he looked more attractive and put–together than usual.
“Mary… Peter began as he reached into his jacket and pulled out a small box. “I want you to know that I love you. I’m not going to stop loving you. Whether this baby is a boy or a girl, I’ll love them too. They’re a part of you–how could I not love them?” he said as he opened the box.
Mary’s eyes widened in surprise at the sight of a beautiful ring adorned with a mysterious heart–shaped stone that seemed white at one moment and pink the next.
“Mary, I want to give you this. It’s a promise ring. I’ve wanted to give it to you for a long time but never found the right moment. This is it. I promise to love and respect you every day of my life. I know it’s too soon to ask you to marry me, so I won’t. But I want you to know I’ll take care of you and this little one growing inside you.”
Mary stared into Peter’s eyes, seeing confidence and certainty. This wasn’t the same Peter from almost five years ago. The man in front of her was mature, exiding a calm and peaceful aura she hadn’t felt in a long time.
Peter took her hand and slipped the ring onto her finger. She didn’t object, signaling that she was willing to give him a chance. She felt confused by his gesture. It wasn’t a marriage proposal, but it was a
yow to love and respect her for the
“of his life.
“Mary, always remember that I love
you,” Peter said.
Tears streamed down her face. There was no denying that pregnancy had not only made her lazier but
also far more emotional.
Chapter 0115