Chapter 0193
As Mary boarded the plane, tears streamed down her face. She avoided looking out the window. Paying with that sleek black card granted her access to first class, though she knew this would be the last time she’d experience such luxury. When she reached her seat, she let her tired body sink into the spacious chair, draped herself in the blanket provided, and rummaged through her bag to pull out the headphones and music player Emma had given her years ago. She put on some music, hoping to lose herself in memories of a life that could never be again.
The young woman cried quietly until she fell asleep, as if she were traveling back in time. After five long years, she was returning to her country. She came back with a baby in her womb, the result of an unrequited love and a broken heart. Yet, the man who had shattered her had also given her the three best months of her life. Fate had been cruel, though he was gone now, and she’d never see him again.
She couldn’t help but recall the day she’d left her country. Looking back, she realized she’d been just a girl back then, leaving with nothing. Today, she returned with only a bag embroidered with butterflies that she’d used for years. As she peered inside, the irony hit her: her entire life fit in there. A wallet that Peter had gifted her, the ID that had granted her temporary freedom, and two stacks of cash–also a gift from that cruel man she hoped never to see again.
When the plane landed in Hesperia, it was 8:00 PM. She stepped off the aircraft, overwhelmed by a wave
nostalgia. For so long, she’d wanted to return home. But now that she was back, a restless unease wouldn’t let her be. She felt her baby move for the first time, and a tear slipped down her cheek. Peter had longed to feel the baby move, and now that he was gone, the child had finally begun to stir.
Walking through the airport halls, she noticed some things had changed. A pang of hunger hit her, reminding her she hadn’t eaten in hours. The day had been long, and so had the journey. Her baby had endured so much already. After clearing customs, she headed for the food court, searching for something to fill her stomach. She wasn’t in the mood to eat, but her baby needed her strength. That child was her reason to keep going.
She walked into a café and ordered a slice of carrot cake and a cappuccino. The meal tasted like cardboard. Nothing had the same flavor as it did when she’d shared desserts with Peter. Bite after bite, the cake disappeared. Stroking her belly, she whispered,
“All done, my girl. Now, let’s find somewhere to sleep. From now on, it’s just you and me!”
At the café, she carefully counted out some bills to pay for her food, making sure not to spend too much. Being pregnant would make it harder to find work, so she needed to save every penny and only spend on what was necessary.
After wandering through the airport, she stopped at a currency exchange booth to trade her Valentian money to Hesperian dollars. The amount seemed like a lot at first, but she knew she couldn’t rely on it for long. Without a phone, she decided to buy one. It was a strange experience–her father or grandfather had always handed her their old ones. This was the first time she’d ever bought something like this herself. She picked something simple, just enough to make calls and get around. Luxury wasn’t an option.
At the airport’s main exit, she stood for a long moment, looking around. She had no home, no one waiting for her. “Where should I go?” she wondered. cold breeze snapped her back to reality. She searched for affordable hotels on her new phone, booled one, and called for a taxi to take her there.
Chapter 0193
The hotel room was nothing fancy, just a small business traveler’s room. But tonight, it was exactly what she needed. After the longest day of her life, that bed looked so inviting. She took a hot shower, then peered out the window at the sky and said:
“My dear Peter, thank you for everything–for being there, for your love, your care, your thoughtfulness, your kisses, your hugs, your touch, and the time you gave us. Thank you for everything you did for me. We will never forget you. Serenity will know you’re her father–the one who cared for us, who loved us above all else. I’ll make sure she always remembers you. What hurts the most is that I don’t even have a picture of you…”
Tears streamed down her tired face.
“In just two days, I feel like I’m forgetting you. I can’t seem to recall your beautiful face. I feel a knot in my chest, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t get rid of it.
“Forgive me, Peter. Forgive me for that mistake I made that night. I should have stayed with could have been a family.”
you. We
Mary cried for a long time, until it felt like there were no more tears left to shed. Her body ached. Her eyes burned from crying so much. She’d been forced to stay strong while leaving that country–there hadn’t been time to grieve. But now, alone, there was nothing else to do but cry. Her head pounded, her throat throbbed, and the emptiness inside her felt unbearable. She grabbed a pillow and pressed it to her face, screaming until she was hoarse. When she finally stopped, she wiped away her tears. Her lips were chapped, her face streaked with salt and snot from crying. Looking at herself in the mirror, she said:
“Peter, forgive me. But this will be the last time I cry for you. I know this isn’t good for the baby, and she’s the only thing keeping me going now. I don’t want anything to happen to her, and I know you wouldn’t want that either. You’ll always be in my heart and in our daughter’s heart. But I can’t keep living like this. Today, I cried all I needed to cry. Tomorrow, I have to move forward. It’s just me and Serenity now. That’s the name you wanted for her, and so it will be.”
Chapter 0194