Chapter 0220
Tears welled up in Valerie’s eyes, Marcus, seeing her reaction, stood up and went to her.
“Why are you crying?” Marcus asked gently, his voice tinged with concern.
“It’s just… this piece belonged to my father. When I ran away, I never saw it again. It was such a treasured family heirloom, passed down through generations. But I never got that chance.”
“Well, now it’s yours. I’m sure Peter would’ve wanted you to have it.”
Valerie took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, gazing at the man in front of her. She embraced him, and Marcus wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her slightly and sitting her on the edge of the desk.
“I want you to know that my decision about us is unchangeable. I want to be with you. I want to know you better, to find my way into your heart. And there’s nothing no one–that will change my mind,” Marcus said, leaning in for a kiss.
Valerie surrendered to his kiss, feeling an array of emotions that made her heart race. Her day had been a rollercoaster of feelings and sensations. That morning, she thought she’d have to say goodbye to whatever she was beginning to feel for Marcus. But now, she found herself resting in his strong arms, where she felt safe and cherished.
[Present day in Westhaven, Valentia]
“Oh, Marcus! You can’t imagine how happy you’ve made me all these years. My life with you has been
wonderful,” Valerie murmured aloud, smiling as she reminisced.
Slowly, she began to drift off to sleep on the lounge chair. Her peaceful slumber was interrupted, however, when Marcus returned and gently carried her in his arms toward the bed.
“My love, what were you doing out there?” Marcus asked as he laid her down.
“Marcus?” Valerie asked groggily.
“Yes, it’s me! I’m back.”
“What time is it?”
“It’s almost 5:00 AM. I got worried when I didn’t see you in bed, so I went to look for you in the garden.”
“I couldn’t sleep well, so I went out for some fresh air and had a glass of milk.”
“Well… I have two things we need to discuss,” Marcus said.
That phrase made Valerie’s stomach tighten. Marcus rarely used a serious tone with her–he reserved that for business. But tonight, he sounded grave.
“What’s wrong?” she asked, sitting up in bed.
“Serenity’s home. I just came back with her.”
“Did something happen? Why is she here early?”
“The second thing we need to talk about… she met Maximus in Madrid.”
“What? What the hell happened?”
“Calm down, calm down,” Marcus said quickly. “Nothing happened between them. Frederick told me about it, and that’s why I went to Spain immediately. I confronted Maximus, and he now knows that Serenity is his niece.”
Chapter 0220
“Marcus, he wasn’t supposed to know! Why didn’t you just leave it alone?” Valerie said, her voice rising in panic.
“Relax, my love. Relax,” Marcus said, trying to soothe her. He and Serenity went out for lunch. You know the reputation that man carries–I couldn’t let him look at her in any way other than as family. So I told him the truth. But now he wants Serenity to know everything.”
“No, Marcus! I’m not telling Serenity anything. She’s my daughter. They were never there for her–they have no right to demand anything. And anyway, she has your last name. I’m not after any inheritance.”
“I know, my love. But if that man decides to get ahead of us who knows what he might tell Serenity. I don’t want her to hear a twisted version of the truth that makes you look like the villain. I’d rather you be the one to tell her everything”
Valerie fell silent, her hands clammy. She didn’t want to tell Serenity the truth. No one else knew the full story- only Peter, and he was gone now. She’d kept this secret for so long. Marcus had always believed Serenity was Peter’s daughter. Valerie never corrected him, never revealed that Serenity’s father was actually Maximus. Her daughter had been conceived on the only night they spent together as husband and wife.
Valerie remained quiet for a long time. Marcus simply embraced her and stroked her hair, sensing her stress. He knew how to calm her, even in the most trying moments.