Chapter 0029
“I know, Grandma And I know who you’re referring to, but let me be clear I’m not firing Alexia.”
“Oh, yes, you will! You have one day to get rid of her, or I’ll have to remind everyone who the real boss of this company is ”
“Grandma, you always try to control everything You even moved Mary into my house, and I don’t even know who she is. I’ve never questioned you about it, at who exactly is Mary Preston? What did she do for you to hide her family? Why are you keeping them secret?”
“Who told you I’m hiding her?”
“Grandma, I have my own connections too. Don’t forget that.
“Listen here, you brat, there are things I’m not obligated to tell you. I don’t owe you any explanations. And this has nothing to do with Alexia being at the company, so let me repeat: I don’t want to see her there, or I’ll remove her myself.”
“If you insist, then I’ll ask you to remove Mary from my house. I don’t know who she is or why she’s there, but if you can’t respect my decisions, I won’t respect yours.”
“You insolent boy! Do you think you can blackmail me with Mary? You’re completely wrong. I placed her with you because I saw you were lonely. But to be honest, you weren’t my first choice. Peter Palmer came to mind first, but I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt. So, I’ll have no problem moving her.”
“Mary isn’t some pawn you can move around at will, Grandma.”
“Oh, so now you’re upset about her being in your house? And now that I’ve mentioned sending her to Peter, you suddenly care? Make up your mind!”
“Grandma, you know Peter isn’t trustworthy. She won’t be safe with him. How can you even think of moving her so easily?”
“Sorry, my dear. I’ll talk to Peter today. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to take care of someone you couldn’t. I’m sorry if I’ve caused you problems with Mary, but you won’t have to worry about her anymore. If I can, I’ll move her out of your house today.”
“No! You can’t do that!”
“Finally, Maximus! You didn’t like her staying with you, but now that I mention Peter, you’re suddenly interested? He’ll probably be able to give her more attention than you ever did. Besides, he’s younger. Who knows? Maybe Peter’s friendly and carefree nature will win Mary’s heart, and you’ll finally have a stable niece.”
“I don’t like the way you’re saying these things! Marysn’t a pet you can move around or use as leverage.
“Is that coming from the same person who brought her up in exchange for Alexia?”
“I’m sorry I brought Mary into this, but you never even had the decency to ask me for permission or let me know she’d be living with me. And now you’re just going to take her away, just like that?”
“Yes! I’ve made my decision, and I won’t let you use her to blackmail me. And you know what? I’ve lost
Chapter 0009
my appetite. I’m going to catch up with Mary and tell er about the change of plans. I’ll leave you to pay the bill. Bye!”
Catherine got up from the table and told her driver to fetch Mary. Maximus could only sit and watch as his grandmother stormed off, fuming. He didn’t understand why she hated Alexia so much, but this time, he wouldn’t let her dictate his relationship–even if it meant parting ways with Mary. In the end, Grandma was right: the girl needed someone who could care for her better, someone younger. Though it bothered him to think that person might be his brother.
Chapter 000