Chapter 0325
Maximus’s eyes glistened with tears as he continued. “Knowing I’d hurt you again, after everything, broke me. But I thought the best thing I could do was let you go. When I saw you with Peter, it killed me. But I convinced myself he’d make you happy, that he’d give you the life I couldn’t. And I believed Serenity was his–I never questioned it. I just wanted you to be happy, even if it wasn’t with me.”
“It sounds so simple when you say it, Maximus. But it wasnt,” Valerie replied, meeting his gaze.
“I know it wasn’t,” he admitted. “I caused you so much pain, in ways no one should ever endure. And when Peter died… that night when we all argued, we didn’t stop to think about you, about what you were going through You’d just lost the love of your life, and we failed you. I failed you.” His voice cracked. “For the first time, I wanted to break my engagement and stay with you. But I was afraid.”
“Afraid of what, Maximus? Tell me afraid of what?” Valerie asked, tears streaming down her face.
“I was afraid of you,” Maximus admitted, his voice heavy with regret. “Afraid you’d reject me, that you’d think I was taking advantage of the situation. You’d just lost Peter, and I didn’t think you’d take kindly to me trying to get close to you.” He looked at Valerie with an expression full of pain and longing.
“Mmm… “What if‘ doesn’t exist, Maximus,” Valerie said softly, reading the thoughts that flickered in his mind.
“You’re right, Mary. ‘What if’ doesn’t exist,” he said with a weak smile. “But I can’t deny that seeing you again stirred up everything. Still, I know you’re with a good man now. Bartz… he’s a good man. I see it in how you’ve grown, how much you’ve achieved. Your company is incredible, even though you downplay it. You’re amazing, Mary. You have so much talent. He gave you wings to fly, and I… when you were young, I clipped them.”
“Maximus…” Valerie said, her voice trembling as tears welled up in her eyes.
Maximus turned to her, and without thinking, wrapped her in a tender embrace.
“Today I found out that my so–called firstborn… he wasn’t even mine…” Maximus said, his voice cracking with emotion.
Valerie instinctively pulled away from the hug, her eyes wide with shock.
“Yes, Mary,” he confirmed, his voice thick with pain. “He’s not my son. Lucius… Lucius is my father’s child. 1 don’t know how, I don’t know why, and I don’t care to know. But he’s my father’s son…”
Finally, Maximus broke down, tears streaming freely.
Valerie, overwhelmed by the rawness of his anguish, moved closer and enveloped him in her small arms. In that moment, he seemed like a lost boy rather than the commanding man she’d once known.
The scene was devastating–two broken people caught in the games of heartless manipulators. Both had been torn from what might have been a better future. They’d never know for sure. He was on the brink of divorce; she was married–happily, or so she thought. She wasn’t even sure anymore.
As the clock neared 8:00 p.m., a desperate Marcus finally received confirmation of where Valerie’might be. The park was closed, but being who he was, Marcus didn’t take no for an answer. He demanded access and used the surveillance cameras to locate her.
He found her but she wasn’t alone. Another man sat withher.
Leaving the security booth with a storm brewing inside him, Marcus strode purposefully toward the lake, his bodyguards following closely behind. His steps were swift and commanding, his presence radiating danger.
He arrived just in time to see Valerie leaning into Maximus’s embrace.
Chapter 0325
Her husband’s voice cut through the night like a blade.
“You again…? Didn’t I make it clear I don’t want you near her?”