Chapter 0332
After hanging up with Diana, Maximus headed to the old mansion. Once there, he wasn’t in the mood for anything other than taking a bath and sleeping–It had been a long day. He was lying on his old bed when the light of his phone pulled him out of a half–sleep. An email with encrypted files had just arrived.
[Subject: Hello, Mr. Palmer,
Attached are the requested files–the investigation into your wife’s life, as you requested.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Best regards.]
Still tired, Maximus got up and went to his study. He pulled his laptop out of its case, opened his emails, and went straight to the one he’d just received Extracting the files, he poured himself a drink. Now that he knew his wife and father had been involved, it was clear that wasn’t the only dark secret he’d uncover.
Maximus opened the main folder. Everything was organized by year–37 folders in total–starting from the moment she’d entered his life. His heart sank as he looked at what had happened in the two years before she left for Paris. She had been cheating on him with Professor Gabriel. All those extra classes, all those “punishments,” had been nothing but lies to meet with that man, who was, as he well knew, married.
He kept reading, realizing that the pampered woman he’d dated was a complete liar. She had gone to Paris to follow Gabriel. At some point, when she was 27, she crossed paths with Leonardo–and that came to light as well..
Instinctively, Maximus threw his glass of whiskey against the wall. He had always seen Mary as a sweet, kind, and innocent girl, but Alexia was clearly the better choice. Now he felt disgusted. How right Catherine had been in trying to steer him away from Alexia. But if he hadn’t investgated, he never would’ve realized all the mess his precious wife” had been tangled in.
When he got to the folder for when she was 30, it became clear that her relationship with his father had started while she kept begging Maximus to divorce Mary.
“Fucking bitch!” Maximus muttered under his breath as he pulled out his phone to call Matthew.
It was 3:00 am. The screen lit up, and Matthew, who had been expecting Maximus’s call, answered. He knew Maximus had had a long day and had given him space to process it all, though he hadn’t imagined what was about to happen.
“Hey, Maximus. How are you? By the way, I’ve arranged for the mansion to be cleaned tomorrow, and the fridge and pantry are fully stocked. You could’ve told me earlier, and I’d have had everything ready.”
“Matthew, I need you to contact my lawyer. I want a divorce as soon as possible. Tell him to reach out to negotiate what that woman will get after the divorce. I don’t want to be tied to her for another minute. Oh, and thanks for looking out for me, Matthew.”
“Maximus, are you okay?”
“No! How do you think I am? I just found out I’m not Lucius’s father. That woman is a whore. She was cheating on me with my father for three years. 1 let Mary go for her! My life is anything but okay!”
“I’m so sorry for what you’re going through, but I need you to stay strong. Your father wants to make several changes at the company, and I need you in the office tomorrow.”
“Leave it to Bartz. He’s the owner. He can handle it. I don’t need to keep wasting my energy on that damn place,” Maximus replied, hanging up immediately.
Chapter 0337
Maximus kept reading. Mary’s words were clear–his wife had something to do with her sudden departure from Valentia. But what shocked him the most was finding out that she had contacted Mary’s father and aunt. After that meeting, where she was clearly already pregnant, Mary’s father and aunt had disappeared. Alexia had done something. What? He wasn’t entirely sure, but it was evident she’d had a hand in it. On top of that, everything pointed to her involvement in the arrest of Grandpa Albert,
“Alexia, you’re trash! You and your whole damn family are crash! And me? I was a complete idiot. Always defending you, always protecting you.
Maximus couldn’t take it anymore. He slammed his laptop shut and made another call.
“Go to my house and get my damn wife out of there. Take her to the warehouses. Do it discreetly–I don’t want my daughter to notice. I’ll meet you there in an hour.”
“Understood, sir!”