Chapter 0354
Chapter 0354
Valerie was unaware of everything that had transpired that day. She simply got out of the bed she had slept in for her first nine months in Galea Aurora and she had chosen to sleep there–Valerie didn’t feel ready to use the master bedroom, unwilling to disturb anything left inside. She hadn’t even dared to look. The house had been kept spotless, thanks to Marcus’s Insistence on maintaining it it was. She didn’t want to face what had once been the room she shared with Peter.
“Valerie, listen, my friend. I have to go home. My little ones are a handful, and my husband is their hostage. Before my house descends into chaos, I’d rather check that everything is in order. But if you need anything, please call me.
Don’t disappear again. I missed you for years. When things settle between you and your husband, I want you to visit me and introduce me to your family. From what you’ve told me, it’s quite large. If old Agnes were alive, I’m sure you’d have taken her with you too.”
“Aurora, losing her hurts the most. I never got to say goodbye, and despite her rough edges, she was always so good to me. Life has blessed me with good people, but I failed to see it at the time.”
“She’s at peace now. Some think she died of sadness, but I believe otherwise. She died in her home—this house, which was hers for so many years. Maybe she passed away alone, but it would have been worse if she’d had to leave this place.
“My dear friend, I know you’re upset right now, but you need to talk to your husband. Try to work things out. I know what he did was wrong, but it was a mistake. He let jealousy get the better of him. Your husband is more than one bad night. Your marriage isn’t defined by a single day. Your relationship was built over years, through companionship and care.
You’ve admitted it yourself–when you decided to marry Maximus, you barely knew him, and things turned out terribly. Peter was your great love, but he couldn’t stay by your side. Marcus, however… look at you! Fifteen years of marriage, a happy one despite its ups and downs. Remember, he’s been more of a father to Serenity than the man who fathered her.
“Remember this: Marcus approached you because of Serenity, not because of you. He didn’t marry you just to give her a father he married you because he fell in love with you It’s understandable that he was hurt by the harsh truth, but for him—and for you–Serenity will always be his daughter.
“Think things through. Finish whatever brought you back to this place, then go home and fix what needs fixing Talk to your daughter. Explain why you made the decisions you did. Don’t poison her heart against her father, but put everything on the table. I know she’s a mature girl, so she should understand. If she doesn’t, give her time. Life will teach her how things really are,
“And poor John…. Don’t you think he’s wondering where his mom is? He’s just a little boy. Even if you think he won’t notice, he will. And when he does, it’ll hurt. So don’t waste more time hiding here. Do what you need to do and then go home.”
After saying these words, Aurora left Peter’s house, leaving Valerie alone. She didn’t feel like taking a bath but felt sticky from the day, so she reluctantly decided to freshen up Stepping out of the bathroom, she opened the wardrobe. It was empty–her belongings had been moved to the master bedroom. There was no choice but to step into the room that brought back both good and painful memories.
Taking a deep breath, she let out a long sigh and entered the master bedroom. Everything was just as it had been left. The bed still had the same comforter from the last time she was there. She hesitated before stepping forward but gathered her courage and walked toward the closet.
The moment she entered, Peter’s familiar scent enveloped her–mint and citrus. His clothes filled the space more
Chapter 15t
than hers did. Her eyes scanned the room, and she felt tearswelling up as she saw the pieces he used every day- lils accessories, sunglasses, shoes. Everything was still ther
She wiped her tears and walked to the section where her own clothes hung Most were loose summer dresses she had worn during her pregnancy, designed to be comfortable over her growing belly. She grabbed one, along with pair of shoes, and left the closet. She couldn’t bear to stay there any longer; the scent stirred a knot in her chest that climbed to her throat.
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