Chapter 0357
Meanwhile elsewhere, Alexia opened her eyes. Her entire body ached, and she felt disoriented. The room carried an odd, sterile scent—a mix of disinfectant and medication. Her eyes darted from side to side, struggling to focus beyond her limited view, but no matter how hard she tried, her vision only blurred further. She wanted to speak, to call out, but her voice was silent. Summoning all the strength she had, she attempted to scream, but nothing came out. Suddenly, she heard the sound of someone entering the room.
‘Finally! Someone’s here. They’ll realize who I am now,‘ she thought.
“Is this the patient, Alexia Levett?” a man’s voice asked.
“Yes, sir. Why do you ask?” responded a woman.
“Mr. Pietrovich has entrusted her care to us. We must ensure she’s well cared for, but…”
“But what?”
“I need you to draft a report stating that the patient died in the ICU,” the man said, letting out a sigh.
“Let me get this straight. You want us to declare her dead? the woman replied, hesitantly.
“Exactly. Was I not clear?”
“But she’s the wife of Mr. Palmer.”
“Mr. Pietrovich is also a Palmer. And as far as I know, Mr. Maximus Palmer refused to come earlier today. It seems they were on the verge of separation.”
“Hmm… Well, if this is an order from above, I have no problem writing the report. But what about her parents? They’ll want to see the body. How will we handle that?”
“Give her an injection to keep her completely still I don’t want her breathing or showing any signs of life.”
“Her parents will demand the body…
“Mr. Pietrovich has provided a generous sum to ensure her care. We’ll need to be creative…”
“Well… I’ll think of something…”
Alexia’s eyes widened in terror. She wanted to scream, to plead for help. These people were planning to kill her.‘ How could Maximus not come?” she thought ‘He wouldn’t do this. Why would he leave me alone?‘ Her fate now rested in her hands, but despite her desperation, her body wouldn’t respond. She couldn’t move a limb, not even at finger. It was then that she realized she couldn’t feel anything at all except the sweat trickding down her neck.
A silhouette appeared–an older nurse who approached her bedside and began to speak.
“I don’t know who you crossed or angered, but someone wants you alive… just not to your family. To them, you’re dead. From now on, I’ll be your caretaker, so don’t cause me any trouble. I don’t know why they want to declare you dead, but your parents are elderly, and no one from your immediate family–your husband or children–has been reachable. Your husband outright refuses to come. You’ve been left to the mercy of your executioner.”
The nurse leaned closer. “I know you can hear me. Your eyes say as much. Your throat must hurt–you have a tube down it to help you breathe. You were in a terrible accident, but you survived. Though, I don’t know if I’d call that lucky.”
Alexia could hear the woman’s voice but couldn’t see anything clearly. Her eyes tried to focus elsewhere, searching for something familiar, but her gaze wouldn’t shift. Slowly, her eyelids grew heavier. The sterile white light of the room began to fade into darkness.
Chapter C357
Outside the ICU, a heartbreaking cry echoed through the waiting room. Alexia’s parents, Frank Jr. and Loria, had just been informed of her “death.” They were told they co view her one last time before she was cremated, decision supposedly authorized by a Palmer.
Immediately, Alexia’s parents thought of Maximus. Surely, the man had softened and felt remorse for his absence, making an effort to ensure she had a dignified farewell from afar.
Frank Jr. tried calling Maximus, but his calls went unanswered. Eventually, he resigned himself to the idea. Maximus’s gesture was out of respect for the children. By now, the news had reached him that Lucius was not Maximus’s son but rather the result of his father’s Indiscretion. Though the details of that revelation had been discussed behind closed doors, Greta had confided in Lucia, leaving no doubt. 1
Aging and overwhelmed, Alexia’s parents had no choice but to accept the Palmer family’s decision. They entered the room to bid farewell to their beautiful daughter. Tears streamed down their faces as they said goodbye. Laria struggled to let go of Alexia’s lifeless body, clinging to her until Frank Jr. gently pulled her away.
Meanwhile, Alexia drifted deeper into unconsciousness. Her last coherent thought echoed in her mind: “This must be a terrible nightmare–one I’ll wake up from soon.‘
Chapter 58