Chapter 0370
“If you already know everything, why are you even asking me?” Theodore replied, shifting uncomfortably.
“Marcus Bartz wants to speak with you. Now. In fact, he’s waiting outside for my signal to come in and see you. I told you this visit isn’t a courtesy. He’s very interested in knowing why you spared his life,” Frederick said firmly.
Marcus had planned a ruthless revenge against everyone involved in his family’s murder. But Theodore was a dilemma. On the one hand, he had let Marcus live; on the other, he was still complicit in the massacre of the rest of the Bartz family. The question loomed large: what the hell was Marcus supposed to do with this man?
The visit to Theodore had provided clarity. Marcus didn’t like the answer, but if he wanted to complete his revenge, Theodore was a critical piece of the puzzle.
“From now on, you work for me,” Marcus said, stepping into the room with an icy demeanor. “If I find out you’re betraying me, you’ll pay dearly. Consider this your balance you spared me, so now I’ll do the same for you. But you belong to me now. You’ll do exactly as I say. You’ll stay close to Levett and his people. If he discovers you, it won’t be me who finishes you off. Clear?”
“Bartz, I don’t think letting me live is the right call–I want that to be clear. But I’ll help you get close to Levett and his circle. The rest is on you,” Theodore said, his voice steady and resolute.
“Do you know the Palmers?” Marcus asked.
“I’ve heard of them. Catherine took care of you, didn’t she?” Theodore replied knowingly.
“You’ll work directly with the youngest Palmer and his team. As you know, I’m not in Valentia, so you won’t have direct contact with me. The boy will be our bridge. His name is Peter Palmer. You’ll send him everything related to Levett. He’ll pass the messages to me. That way, you won’t have to see my face every time you have intel,” Marcus said, issuing the order with calm authority.
“Isn’t he the Palmer boy who was exiled from the family for pushing Frank Levett’s granddaughter?” Theodore asked, curious.
“Exactly. Our shared hatred for the Levetts unites us. From now on, you’ll report to him. Be careful, though- Peter might look like a lamb, but he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He’s a young man with nothing to lose, and if he suspects you’re up to something shady, he won’t hesitate to send you to the afterlife,” Marcus said with an unsettling calm.
“Don’t worry. I know my fate. Wherever I go, I know you’ll find me,” Theodore said with a touch of resignation.
“I’m glad you understand,” Marcus replied coldly. “And let me remind you–be careful with Peter. He’s reckless, doesn’t think twice like I do. One wrong move, and I’ll know.”
“I’ve already told you–it’s clear. My life belongs to you now,” Theodore said with unwavering certainty.
From that moment on, Marcus and Theodore worked together to gather all the information necessary to track down everyone responsible for the Bartz family massacre. However, they hadn’t anticipated that Peter himself had a target on his back–something Marcus didn’t see coming but Theodore did. After all, he was the one originally assigned by Frank Levett to carry out the hit on Peter.
In the end, pressure from Alexia Levett caused Frank to change his plans and assign the task to someone else. Theodore had delayed the “accident” for days, believing Peter wasn’t ready. When the warning came that the day had arrived, Peter was caught off guard. What exactly would happen remained unclear, but one thing was certain: Peter needed to be careful.
“Theodore, I appreciate the warning, but I can’t live in fear of leaving the house. I have to stick to my routine as
Chapter 0370
planned. Besides, it’s not like I’m going to skip taking my wife to the doctor, and I’m certainly not missing the shareholders‘ meeting. Relax, man. We just need to be more cautious. By the way, did you find the person I asked you to?” Peter said nonchalantly.
“Yes, I did. It worked once–do you think it’ll work again?” Theodore asked, uncertain.
“We’ll see, Theodore. We’ll see. Have you mentioned any of this to Frederick?” Peter asked, his tone wary.
“No. You told me not to. But I could-” Theodore began before Peter cut him off.
“No, Theodore. They can’t know,” Peter said firmly.
“You do realize that if it’s not you, it’ll be her, right?” Theodore said, his tone a clear warning.
“She’s pregnant! We can’t risk her. Keep your eyes and ears open. I have to go–I’m about to step into the meeting,” Peter said, ending the call.
During what turned out to be a boring shareholders‘ meeting, Peter’s phone lit up. He opened it to find an unexpected message:
[It’s today.]
Those two words sent a chill down Peter’s spine. He knew his executioner could be anywhere. Still sitting in the meeting, he glanced around, scanning the room, and replied to the message:
[How do you know?]
[I just heard it. Be careful.]
[Got it.]