Chapter 0396
After the news broke, Maximus’s phone barely stopped ringing. People from various companies called to offer their condolences. While he remained attentive to his phone, waiting for the call from his driver who was bringing his children home, his mind was preoccupied with how he would deliver the news to them. At the same time, he felt a quiet excitement at the thought of seeing them again.
“Joseph, have you looked into the school I mentioned?”
“Yes, sir! I found it. Here are the details if you’d like to visit. It’s said to be one of the best in the area and is about 25 minutes from here.”
“Good. Once we get through this, I’ll go and take a look. One more question–will they both be at the same institution?”
“Yes, sir. The school offers classes from preschool to high school.”
“Perfect. They’ll be in a regular day–school program. I don’t want them going back to boarding school. Help me review the enrollment process.”
“Of course, sir. Leave it to me.”
Joseph couldn’t help but feel a mix of awe and confusion. Despite the recent announcement of his wife’s death, his boss remained calm and composed. Joseph knew about Alexia’s infidelities, but still, it was surprising to see Maximus so unaffected by her passing.
“Joseph, if that’s all, you may go. I need a moment alone.”
“Oh, yes, sir. Excuse me.”
Finally alone, Maximus sat down in his study. He was in the Aventine mansion today. He had already sent a driver to pick up Laura, and once Paul and Maurice arrived, he would have to break the news to them. It wouldn’t be easy, but he trusted in their resilience.
Moments later, his phone rang, and at the same time, the door to the study creaked open. A slim, blonde silhouette entered.
“Laura! Come in, have a seat. Give me a minute; I need to take this call.”
Maximus picked up the phone. “Yes? Perfect. How long until they arrive? Very well, I’ll be waiting.‘
After a brief conversation, he ended the call, stood up, and walked over to his daughter. Taking her hand, he said, ” Laura, let’s take a walk in the gardens.”
“Dad? Are you okay?”
“No, I’m not.”
“What’s going on? I was surprised when you asked me to come here,” Laura said, lowering her head. “Is it because I moved my things to your house?”
Maximus had been so busy that he hadn’t noticed when his daughter had done just that.
“No, my love. I’m glad you did. That house is yours and your brothers‘. I know it still needs a lot of work, but it will return to what it was when I was young. And for that, I’ll need your help. But first, we need to talk about your mother…”
“Dad, she doesn’t like me. Please don’t force me to be with her. Besides, I’m almost of age. Soon I can choose where I want to live,” Laura said anxiously.
Chapter 0396
“It’s not that, my girl. What I have to tell you isn’t easy, but you need to hear it first. Your brothers are on their way, and from now on, you’ll all live with me. None of you will ever be far away–well, unless it’s for studying or starting your own paths. But for the next few years, I want to enjoy every moment with you. That’s why I’m bringing you all home.”
“What’s wrong, Dad? You seem… strange.”
“Laura, it’s not easy to say this, but… It’s about your mother. She had an accident last week. We didn’t want to say anything right away, but she…” Maximus hesitated, struggling to find the words.
“She what, Dad?”
“She didn’t make it, my love. Your mother is gone, Laura.”
Laura walked hand in hand with her father, suddenly stopping in her tracks–a clear sign that something was wrong. Her eyes reddened as she tried to hold back her tears but failed. Maximus understood; regardless of everything, Alexia was her mother. It was only natural for Laura to feel pain, but he knew there was no turning back now.