Chapter 0405
“Maximus, are you okay?”
“Like you? You! You’re dead…! You’re not my brother! I’m confusing myself, my head is playing tricks on me…”
“No, Maximus, it’s not a trick of your mind. You know it’s really me.”
“No! My brother is dead, my brother didn’t have children, and certainly not grandchildren. You’re just someone who looks a lot like him…”
“Okay, if that’s really what you believe, then I don’t need to be wasting my time,” Peter said, somewhat exasperated.
Just as Peter began walking toward the door of his car, Maximus snapped out of his daze. He grabbed Peter’s arm, pulled him close, hugged him tightly, and began to cry. It was a heartbreaking sob, and for a moment, he released his hug, looking at Peter’s face and touching it with curiosity.
Maximus… you’re suffocating me!”
“Sorry, sorry! But I can’t believe it! You’re alive…! I need to know what happened. How did you survive? I have so *many questions…”
“Well, I don’t think the street is the right place to talk. Let’s go for coffee. I really need one. Where’s your car?”
“It’s a few cars behind yours…”
“Alright. Can you drive?”
“Okay, follow me. I know a good place around here.”
The two men got into their respective cars. After ten minutes, Peter parked his car in front of a discreet yet elegant café. Maximus did the same. He still touldn’t believe what be was seeing. Twenty years of remorse had been weighing on him, and now he had his brother standing before him. Peter still displayed part of the carefree character he had before, but what Maximus didn’t know was that the man was doing his best to try to remember him. He knew who he was from photos, but he had no idea what his relationship with him had been like.
“What will you order?” Peter asked, looking at the menu.
“Just an Americano..”
“Alright! I think I’ll have a double espresso. Today, I really need coffee. I didn’t sleep well. Ethan–remembered a last–minute assignment, and we were up until 3 am worlding on it. Then I had a conference at 5 am. I’ve only had a couple of hours of sleep.”
Maximus was a bit disoriented. Peter was telling him about his life as if nothing had happened, as if he had always been there.
After the waiter took their orders, Peter looked at his brother and said, “Okay, ask me whatever you want… I’m an open book.”
“Why? How are you alive?”
“Well, I guess I should start with something a bit complicated. I have to confess that I don’t know who the hell you are. I know you’re my brother because my friend told me, but I don’t remember you.”
“How? What do you mean?”
Chapter 0405
“The story is long. Do you have time to listen?”
“As you know, I no longer work for Palmer Group, so I’m all ears. I have until my kids get out of school, and that’ll be until 4 p.m.‘”
“Good to know…”
“Apparently, I suffered a severe traumatic brain injury as a result of being thrown out of the car before it crashed. My friend Theodore’s people searched for me until they found me. I was taken to a very well–known hospital in Valentia, where I spent five long years bedridden. I came close to dying more times than I did that day in the accident. The doctors had no hope for me, but my loyal friend Theodore never gave up on me.”
After those years and various stages of recovery in the hospital, one day I woke up. My mind was blank. I had no memories, and the room I was in didn’t feel familiar. In the end, the doctors said I was a miracle man. They had already given up on me. After that, I had to go through strict rehabilitation because I had fractured both my legs in the accident and almost lost one of my hands,” said Peter, showing his hand, which had limited mobility.
“Why didn’t you contact us? Who is this Theodore?”
“Theodore was your father–in–law Frank Levett’s right–hand man. He knew everything. Your wife, may she rest in peace, ordered me to be killed, but I think you already know that. My friend and I had known each other for a few years, but we weren’t that close.”
“The day of the accident, he told me to warn you. Whatever he did or didn’t do, the fact was that there were two of us in the car. I knew my life had a price on it, so I used the same method Marcus did at some point: I hired someone with similar features as my bodyguard. Very few people knew about this, so when Marcus went to identify me, what he saw were the remains of my bodyguard, not me.