Chapter 0456
“What did we agree on, Celeste?”
“Oh! I’m sorry, I’m still not used to calling you by your first name.”
Peter couldn’t resist; he gently caressed her cheek.
“It’s fine, just try not to call me “Mr.” anymore.”
Celeste felt a strange flutter in her stomach. It was the first time she had let a man get close to her–or rather, she hadn’t allowed it, but Peter didn’t ask for permission. Oddly enough, she didn’t mind.
Peter was about to say something when his phone rang. He glanced at the caller ID and hung up, slipping the phone back into his pocket. But before he could speak, the phone rang again. With a sigh, he excused himself and stepped away to answer the call.
“Eliya, what is it?”
“Sir… The missus is beside herself. She keeps asking for you. She thought you were coming today and won’t let me administer her medication.”
“Eliya, she can’t move. How hard can it be to manage her?”
“Sir… She can move–her right hand, at least.”
Peter’s calm demeanor shifted at Eliya’s words. His expression darkened. “Put my wife on.”
“Yes, sir… You’re on speaker now,” Eliya replied with a sigh.
“Alexia, what’s going on? What do you need?”
“Peter, my beloved husband, I need you here. I want you to come home, I miss you…”
“Alexia, I’m away on business. You know I can’t just leave right now. You should know that.”
Peter worked to keep his voice calm, fully aware that Eliya was listening. He didn’t want another scene today, so he decided to humor Alexia.
“I miss you! Please come see me soon. I’m starting to recover, little by little.”
“Alexia, I’ll arrange for a doctor to evaluate you, but give me time to visit. Don’t do anything reckless. Just follow your instructions–I’d hate for you to have an accident…”
Alexia caught the veiled warning but continued her act.
“My love, I miss you! I need you by my side. Please, think about coming to see me as soon as you can and staying for a while. There’s so much I want to discuss. Here, I only have Eliya to talk to, though I suppose I could talk with ber…”
Peter understood every hidden message in her words. Alexia was becoming increasingly difficult to manage. He preferred the sedated, bedridden version of her. This new, recovering Alexia was turning into a real headache.
“Alexia, I’ll try to come as soon as possible, Let me sort everything out first–I can’t just drop everything and leave.”
“Keep in mind that I miss you more with each passing day. And when I miss you, I start thinking about… less proper things.
Peter rolled his eyes and sighed heavily.
Chapter 0456
“Fine, Alexia. I’ll see if I can get there tomorrow.”
“Wonderful, my beloved husband! 1 hope you have a good trip. I’ll be waiting for you! Ellya, now I can sleep peacefully. Please help me with the blankets,”
Peter overheard her last words and felt an urge to smash his phone. Alexia was becoming a serious problem. He needed to figure out what to do with her. One thing was certain he couldn’t leave her alone with Eliya for much longer. Alexia was subtly threatening to expose their arrangement, and her only leverage was her legal status asN Peter’s wife and her dependence on him for care.
Peter leaned against the railing, taking a moment to steady himself. Then, a soft voice called his name.
Hearing it, his heart raced. The irritation and tension he had been feeling began to fade. He took a deep breath and turned, meeting the gaze of the woman he hadn’t been ableto stop thinking about. He didn’t want to admit it, but if everything that had happened today had occurred before he met Celeste, he wasn’t sure what state he’d be in