Chapter 0473
Serenity clearly understood what those words meant. Peter, on the other hand, was battling a relentless headache. It seemed that, upon seeing Serenity, his mind had short–circuited; still, he tried to stay stoic. He didn’t want to cause the girl next to him any more worry–she already had enough to deal with just seeing him in person, without carrying the weight of his troubles.
After a long and uncomfortable silence, Serenity finally decided to speak.
“I wish you had searched for us… I want to know, how are you even alive? We all know you were dead. That’s something Dad barely talks about, but my mom told me that he was the one who went to identify you.”
Peter tried to focus on driving. He wanted to distract his mind, but he honestly didn’t know why he had decided to drive in this state. After thinking for a few minutes, he realized it was a pretty stupid reaction, so he decided to pull over at a park he saw. Honestly, he didn’t feel well enough to be driving.
“Serenity, I know you have a lot of questions. I know this whole thing doesn’t make sense. I know it looks bad from where you’re standing, but everything has an explanation. I need to get some air. I’m not well, daughter. After the accident, I’ve been suffering from panic attacks, and seeing you again…”
Just as Serenity was about to get out of the car, Peter was already standing, offering his hand to help her out. He grabbed her hand tightly and led her to a bench that was empty in the park.
“Dad… what happened to you?
“Serenity, sweetheart, there were so many things I don’t remember. What I can tell you is that after they supposedly found my remains, I lived my own hell for almost 8 years, of which the last 2, I only had one thing on my mind: finding you. I knew you weren’t doing well, but you were so far away. I couldn’t walk, I was still suffering from the aftermath of the accident. Even when I went to search for you, I wasn’t fully recovered”
“As I told you before, I have no memories, except for that damn sound of my head crashing. Theodore, my friend and right–hand man, told me I had a severe traumatic brain injury. Technically, I’m a walking miracle. I’ve always believed that something inside me knew I couldn’t die. I’ve always believed, though I never told you, that you both were in my head.”
“I think you’ll understand how difficult this whole situation has been for me. When I looked for you, I found your new life. My girl, I want you to understand something: it’s not that you didn’t matter to me. It’s not that I didn’t love you. It was more that I thought it was the best thing I could do for you.
“Serenity, you were my reason to survive all that damn hell of recovery.”
“I know this may sound cruel, but as much as I try, I can’t bring any memory of your mother to mind I suppose I must have loved her. With what little I am now, I definitely know I should have loved her, but can’t remember it. Sometimes, it scares me to admit that I may not have been enough for her.”
“But u
you made that decision yourself! I’ve spent years longing for your face! I’ve spent years crying to the heavens, thinking you were dead! You have no idea how much I missed you. I always prayed for you. Since I was a child, I thought fate had been too cruel to me.
“Don’t get me wrong, Marcus has been a father in every sense of the word. However, I always missed you. All the time, I thought you were by my side. I thought you were watching over me from wherever you were. Now, how am I supposed to deal with this feeling? Tell me, how?
“I’ve spent years thinking you were dead, and now I’m faced with this You’re a cruel man, Peter!” Serenity said, beginning to cry uncontrollably.
Serenity’s fists were clenched, tears streaming down her face. Her beautiful gray eyes were clouded with painful
Chapter 0473
tears. Peter felt his heart breaking in that moment. He stood up from his seat and crouched in front of her, saying:
“Forgive me, my dear! Forgive me! I never wanted to cause you this pain. On the contrary, with that decision, I was trying to protect you from this. Back then, I wasn’t the man I am now. Life, experience, and time teach you things differently. I know there’s no justification for what I did, but at that moment, it seemed like the best decision.