Chapter 0486
A sheet covered the girl’s legs, but the smell of blood was unmistakable. She was a very strong woman, lying there, motionless, and not making a sound of discomfort.
“Peter… I don’t know how long I’ll be in the hospital. Please, could you help me take care of Spike? He trusts you, could you look after him for me? If something happens to the, I want you to take care of him… Please…
“Celeste, don’t say silly things. You only have some broken bones, but nothing will happen. It’s just a surgery. You’ll go in and out so fast, you won’t even notice the time
“Peter, they’re going to anesthetize me, I’ll be asleep for a few hours. Could you promise me that, if something happens, you’ll take care of my old cat?”
“You don’t need to ask! In fact, I’ve already sent my son and Ethan to pick him up. He’ll live with us for a few days while you recover,” Peter said, holding Celeste’s hand tightly.
“Thank you!” Celeste said, tears streaming down the corner of her eyes.
“Celeste, I’ve told you, you matter to me. I want a life with you, and I’ll take care of you now and always. When you wake up, I’ll be waiting for you. You can be sure of that,” Peter said, planting a warm kiss on her lips.
[Clearmount International School]
“Mr. Palmer, I know this terrible accident is very distressing, but I assure you we’ll take care of the investigation and get to the bottom of it. A valuable member of our staff has been injured, and we must find the responsible party. Whether it was negligence or not, the responsible parties must be held accountable.”
“I expect so, Director, but I will be speaking with the Westhaven police to make sure they address the issue. As you saw, my son and his friend were in danger during this incident. Let me ask you, what would have happened if Miss Johnson hadn’t been there? How many more children would have been injured? And let’s not even think about other terrible consequences.”
“What Mr. Palmer says is absolutely right, Director. This matter must be handled with great care and expertise, as we don’t understand how something so simple has led to a teacher being hospitalized,” Marcus said in a serious
Meanwhile, Valerie remained seated, watching the man next to her husband. His features were very similar to the man she had seen just minutes ago, and this young man was wearing formal clothes, unlike the man she saw earlier. She had a feeling Marcus knew something, but couldn’t find the words to ask him. Her stomach hurt, the cramping coming and going.
“Marcus? Marcus?” Valerie said, a bit dazed.
“Tell me, my love!” Marcus replied, looking at her closely
“Can we go home? I don’t feel well!” Valerie said, her face pale and tired.
“Yes, my love!” Marcus took his wife’s hand and helped her stand up.
Valerie clutched her side as a sharp cramp hit, and she had to lean forward slightly.
“Val, my love, I think you should sit for a moment more… Marcus said, seeing how his wife was holding her
“Marcus, I think we need to go to the hospital. I don’t feelwell. Please, can you take me to Dr. Hili?” Valerie said, her face sweaty.
Marcus, seeing his wife’s condition, quickly called the doctor. It was a short conversation, and Valerie only heard
Chapter 0484
him telling the doctor they would arrive in about 20 minutes.
“Alden, I think I need to ask you a favor.
“Yes, tell me…!
“I need to take my wife to the hospital. Can you take my son home? I need to take Valerie urgently to the hospital, and if I wait for the driver…”
“Don’t worry, I’ll take him. Go ahead, I need to talk to these little ones, who apparently had some issues due to what happened.”
“Thank you, Alden!”
After that, Marcus grabbed Valerie’s purse and carried her in his arms to the parking lot.
“Marcus, you’re going to hurt yourself! You shouldn’t carry me. I can walk…” Valerie said, trying to appear strong
“No, haven’t you seen yourself? You look pale. I know you’re trying to be strong, but in this case, it’s not just about you. It’s about our little ones, too.”
Marcus reached the parking lot and carefully helped Valerie into the car. They headed toward Gemellia Hospital. Upon arriving, Dr. Hill was already waiting for them and received them in the emergency room, saying:
“Don’t worry, Marcus, she should be fine. It must have been a tough day for her, but we’ll check her over now. She might need to stay for observation tonight”
“Thank you, Dr. Hill! Please take care of my wife…”