Chapter 0490
“What are you afraid of?” Peter asked himself. He stood thinking about his son’s relationship with Valerie, though he couldn’t understand it. Why Valerie? He had known her as Mary, but at that moment, he didn’t pay much attention to that detail.
After a bit of sleep, he woke up and began getting ready, when a series of memories started flooding his mind:
[“I’m pregnant!”
“I can’t be with you! I’m carrying a little one inside me, a child that was born out of a lie. Maximus only came to…” “Mary, I’ve told you, I want to be in your heart, I love you! The fact that you’re carrying a baby doesn’t make me love you any less. I know it’s not mine, I know whose it is, but that doesn’t matter. I want to be its father!“]
Peter grabbed his head. It seemed that the stress from worrying about Celeste’s accident was giving him a shock, his memories were starting to break free from the place where they had been hidden.
[“Congratulations! You’re going to be parents. You’re about 4 weeks along; it’s still small, but we have a margin of error of about a week, for now.”
“I love you! I don’t care what happened. I know it’s not easy and sometimes life isn’t fair, but I’ve learned to live with it, and I’m not leaving just because things didn’t go as they were supposed to.“”
“I want you to know that I love you! And I’m not going to stop loving you. Whether the baby is a boy or a girl, I’m going to love it too. It’s part of you. How could I not love it?“]
Peter ended up sitting on the bathroom floor, both hands in his curly hair. The pain from his thoughts seemed endless, and he started banging his head against the wall, trying to stop the pain, but it didn’t subside.
Theodore, who had just arrived home, saw Ethan in the living room. He asked about his father, and the boy replied that he had gone to work, but his grandfather was in his room. The man walked to Peter’s room, knocked a few times, and receiving no answer, decided to open the door. When he did, he didn’t see Peter on the bed, but a noise from the bathroom caught his attention. The door was closed, so he knocked again, but there was no answer.
It was clear Peter was inside, Theodore could hear his voice, so he opened the door, finding it blocked by Peter’s legs and body. Quickly, he pushed the door open and entered.
“Peter! What the hell’s going on with you?”
“It won’t stop! Help me! It won’t stop!‘
“What’s happening? Tell me!”
“My head, my head won’t stop, it hurts…” Peter said, frustrated.
“Peter… Come on, lean on me. I’ll help you get up, and I’ll take you to the bed. I’m calling Dr. Wagner, the ene who treated your head injury during the time you were hospitalized.”
Theodore helped Peter stand and walked him to the bed. The tall man was now curled in a fetal position, hands on his head.
Theodore opened his wardrobe, took a large folder from the safe with multiple documents containing Petes’s entire medical history from those long and torturous neark eight years of hospitalization and rehabilitation. He pulled out the folder for head injuries and grabbed a card. He dialed the number on the card and spoke in perfect German.
“Dr. Wagner, this is Theodore Bennett. Do you remember me?”
Chapter 0495
“Mr. Bennett, of course, I remember you. I’ve been waiting for your call for years.”
“I think what you said is happening now.”
“Has Mr. Palmer started to remember?”
“Since when?”
“I have no idea. I just arrived home today and found him sitting on the floor, banging his head against the wall with this unrelenting pain in his head. He says it won’t stop.”
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