Chapter 0522
Peter took a bath and a short nap. He woke up when he felt someone tugging on his hair–a small hand playing with his curls.
“Ethan, aren’t you going to school?” said Peter, groggy, with his eyes still closed.
“Yeah, but I want you to take me. Where have you been, Grandpa?”
“I’ve had a lot of work, and now I’m a little tired. Ask Theodore to take you to school.”
“Grandpa, don’t you want to take me anymore?”
“I do, but remember, I’m taking care of Miss Celeste at the hospital. I’m really tired today.”
“Hmm… okay, only because you’re looking after her. But I miss you, Grandpa! I barely see you anymore.”
Hearing that, Peter felt a pang in his chest. He turned to look at his grandson, already dressed in his school uniform. He pulled him into a hug and said:
“I promise I’ll make some time and pick you up from school this afternoon!”
“Hey… what happened to your mouth? You’ve got a mark here,” Ethan said, touching the bruise.
“Ouch! Don’t touch it–it hurts!”
“Heh, heh, heh! Grandpa, did you fall in the bathroom or something?” Ethan laughed. “You always tell me to be careful when I’m bathing, and now you fell, didn’t you?”
Peter hadn’t thought of it, but the mark wasn’t very noticeable, so that excuse might work. The truth was, he had been neglecting Ethan. Usually, either the driver or Peter himself would take Ethan to school. Only occasionally did Theodore or Alden step in. With everything going on, Ethan was the one being affected the most–his routine disrupted by adult problems.
“Alright! I’m awake, I’m awake! Let’s have breakfast together, and I’ll pick you up from school this afternoon.”
“Okay, Grandpa! Hey, can we go to the movies this afternoon?”
“Hmm… I’m not promising anything. Besides, you know I don’t really like those places.”
“Come on! Dad’s traveling again and couldn’t take me. There’s a really good movie out–everyone at school is talking about it…”
“We’ll see. Let’s eat breakfast first.”
When grandfather and grandson reached the dining room, Theodore was already seated, sipping coffee and reading the news on his tablet.
“Have you seen the price of oil lately?” Theodore said without looking at Peter.
“Are you taking Ethan to school today? I’ll pick him up this afternoon.”
“Yes, I don’t have much of a choice.”
“Grandpa Theodore, what are you reading?”
Chapter 0522
“The price of oil. The latest news. When you grow up and take over this household, you’ll do the same.”
“Of course! We’re oilmen! Didn’t you know that?”
“Well, the man you see sitting at the head of this table is one of the most important businessmen around. He’s bought several assets, and one of them is a huge refinery. That man–your Grandpa Peter–is a big shot in the business world, even if he looks like an old coot.”
Ethan turned to look at Peter, who was sipping his coffee. His chest swelled with pride. He didn’t fully understand these things, but if Grandpa Theodore said it, it had to be true. He never joked about such matters.
“He’s taking me to the movies today!”
“Perfect! That’s great because I wasn’t going to be around, and your dad’s still traveling. You already know I don’t like going to the movies.”
“Me neither…” Peter interrupted.
“Too bad–you already promised. Hey, Ethan, how are things with your friend John?”
“I don’t want to talk about him!”
“John, you can’t stay mad at your friend. He didn’t mean any harm. Miss Celeste is fine, and besides, it gave her a chance to spend more time with your grandpa. Imagine–maybe one day, she’ll become your young, beautiful grandmother.”
Peter rolled his eyes at the conversation, feeling nervous under his grandson’s curious gaze.
“Is that true, Grandpa? Is Miss Celeste going to marry you? Is she going to be my grandma?”
“Ethan, it’s too soon to say anything like that. But Grandpa Theodore wants me to get married. If I don’t, he’ll probably auction me off.”
“I just want this house full of kids! What? Is it a crime to dream?”
“You should find yourself a wife!”
“I’m too old to be a father. Besides, even if I weren’t, I’m basically already a grandpa and a great–grandpa.”
“Hey, that’s true! That’s why you’re so grumpy!”
The three men in the house laughed, and for a moment, everything felt like it used to. Peter looked at the scene, just as it had been when they lived in Slovenia–before the vendettas, the grudges, and the painful pasts resurfaced.
After a pleasant breakfast, Theodore and Ethan left for school. Peter returned to his room, changed, gathered his things, and headed to the hospital.
He now had an excuse for the bruise on his face. His body ached; Marcus had certainly used him as a punching bag. But at least they’d both gotten what they needed out of their systems.