Chapter 0529
“Celeste, there’s nothing to worry about. Look, all of these symptoms are completely normal.”
“What do you mean, Dr. Kensington? Normal? I don’t feel normal at all…”
“Celeste, my dear, your situation is very normal. Congratulations! You’re pregnant!”
Celeste’s face turned pale. Just when she had decided to leave, when she had finally made the painful decision to move on, this happened. But how could it not? She had never taken precautions, leaving everything to nature and divine intervention.
“Celeste, are you alright? You look very pale. I know you’d have liked to share this news with Peter, but I’ve noticed he hasn’t been accompanying you lately. According to the ultrasound and the tests, these babies are already six weeks along.”
“Wow… I didn’t think… that…”
“Judging by your expression, I take it this news caught you by surprise.”
“It did, honestly. Things aren’t exactly going great.”
“Peter? But he seems to adore you.”
“He’s a wonderful man, but things aren’t that simple, Timothy.”
“A baby is a great joy. Now, imagine two!”
“What? What are you saying?”
“Celeste, it’s not one baby–it’s two. They’re already there, whether you’re ready or not.”
“I’m sorry, don’t get me wrong. I’m happy to know I’m pregnant, but…‘
“But what?”
“Nothing, Timothy…” Celeste said, forcing a wide smile.
As she left the doctor’s office, she walked slowly toward the parking lot. Once inside her car, she broke down. Tears streamed down her face as she stared at the results sheet. Life was playing a cruel joke on her again. Just when she had resolved to leave, this happened.
Unconsciously, she placed a hand on her belly and whispered, “Forgive me, my little ones. None of this is your fault. It’s just that your mom had planned something else. But don’t think for a second that I’m not happy- because I am. If I think about it, you’re the only good thing to come out of all this.”
Celeste drove back to the elegant gates of her home. Many of the neighbors were curious about the house, often glancing at it. To Celeste, however, that enormous house, decorated with her own paintings, felt suffocating now.
She and Peter had moved there just a year and a half ago, full of hope. Despite her injuries, Peter had gone out of his way to make her feel comfortable. But now, she was alone. Peter hadn’t been home much lately, and she couldn’t understand why. When they first arrived in Slovenia, Peter had wasted no time finding the best doctors for her. He cared for her tirelessly, pampering her in every way. So, what had changed in the last few months?
The first eight months had been magical. Peter was a hopeless romantic–bringing her flowers, taking her to dinner, and surprising her with outings. His gifts were small and tasteful, usually adorned with precious stones and accompanied by charming stories. Any woman would have fallen for him.
Peter cooked like a chef, brought her breakfast in bed, fed her by hand, and even helped her bathe, giving her
Chapter 0520
luxurious sponge baths. He was attentive and gentle, and in their moments of intimacy–when they occurred–he was careful, yet made her feel completely lost in his arms, is kisses, and his touch. Falling for a man like Peter was effortless.
Initially, the plan was for Celeste to have her own room. Bu since they were alone at the beginning and she couldn’t move around much, it made sense for them to sleep in the same room. Peter had been the first to realize this.
Celeste had been nervous. A new country, a new language, and now she was sleeping next to a man she barely knew, though she was already beginning to see him differently.
Sitting in her car, clutching the results in her hand, Celeste’s thoughts drifted back to the present. It had been six weeks since she had last seen Peter. For some inexplicable reason, one morning, she woke up alone. Although she was walking better now, standing for long periods was still a challenge. She had no idea where to look for him or what was going on. Whenever she called, he would answer, always saying he’d return soon, but never specifying when. Their conversations felt strained–his tone distant and curt.
For days now, Peter hadn’t come home. When he did, the warmth and affection he once showed were gone. Celeste tried to pretend everything was fine, cooking his favorite meals and preparing his clothes, doing her best to care for him as if she were his wife. Peter made an effort to be present, but it was clear his mind was elsewhere. No matter how hard she tried, he remained indifferent.
Over time, Celeste began to wonder if the storm that was Peter had finally passed, leaving her to assess the damage and rebuild from what remained.
The mansion, a veritable castle, was adorned with paintings she had once sold. Despite the household staff, Celeste often felt isolated due to her imperfect grasp of the language. Today, more than ever, loneliness consumed her. She had come to realize that the initial excitement of being together had faded, and perhaps that explained Peter’s absence. She resolved that by the end of the week, she would pack her belongings and leave.
But now, with the news Timothy had given her, things had become more complicated. Even so, she knew she couldn’t stay in the mansion any longer. After much thought, Celeste concluded that the house suffocated her. She preferred her small apartment, where Spike, her cat, had also felt lost at first but seemed to have adapted better than she had.
‘Celeste, you’re not a kid anymore,‘ she thought, resting her hand on her belly. ‘You’re almost 37 and about to become a mother. You can’t just sit around waiting for him to come back whenever he pleases. That’s not the life you want for your children. Adam, my love, just as I asked for your blessing when I decided to live with Peter, I ask now that you watch over us. Peter will know about his children, but I can’t stay here any longer. The best thing is to return to Willowcombe. I think my babies will love it there. It’s such a warm little town. We’ll move into my old house–it’s cozy. The garden’s probably a disaster, but we’ll fix it together.‘
Living in Piran had its charm. The town had a beachy vibe, and she enjoyed trying to walk along the sand to improve her gait. At first, Peter had accompanied her, but as his absences grew more frequent, she stopped waiting for him. Eventually, even when he was home, she no longer asked him to join her. Whatever had happened between them was undeniable–but what exactly it was, she didn’t know.
The truth was, Celeste had never fully gotten to know Peter. What they had shared had been a fleeting illusion–a mix of attraction and desire. They were adults, and she believed they could raise beautiful children together. Together? No, that was no longer an option. The realization hurt deeply, but if there was one thing Celeste knew for certain, it was that she wouldn’t spend her life waiting for a man who came home smelling like another